Anonymous ID: cc6133 Sept. 4, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.10530410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0457



Agree here. Compared to WWII, where people generally felt they were fighting to save the world from fascists, not many from what I remember felt Vietnam was worth it. If you did, then you could enlist.


Looking for deferments wasn't considered draft dodging for that reason.


Big difference was when you got drafted. I got drafted. From riding the train in and out of the city with the other guys taking the physical, I remember the overriding sentiment being if you left the country (draft dodging), all that did was make them take the next guy on the list.


So, it was literally a lottery, if you drew the short straw you sucked it up and went. No one ever said it wasn't bullshit or it didn't suck.


I never got called up for some reason, it was late in the war and there were congressional hearings about the draft being constitutional or not, I think.