Why are Congressmen Signing Non-Disclosure Forms on Obama’s Secret Treaty?
Obamatrade, better known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, is a trade deal that will ….; it’s a partnership between the US and Pacific rim nations that would allow …; Okay, does anyone really know exactly what Obamatrade, aka the TPP, is about? Not hardly, as this trade deal is a secret. It’s so secret that members of Congress must go to a classified reading room in the Capitol to even read it. After reading it, any notes they take on the deal are “confiscated” or are left in the room. Those who have been to this classified room to read it cannot discuss; and, it has been stated, most recently by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), that members of Congress are required “to sign a non-disclosure agreement” that assures no member who has read it will discuss it.