Sweet digits! He seems nice.
Quints czech'd.
Fuck it here's a portion of what I got. I think I have the one you're talking about just gotta find it.
Still worthy of repost. Fuck it.
That flag is dope!
Sweet digits. Kek compels it.
I've no idea. But since I'm on the St. Kyle kick here's a lil diddy
Thanks boaty. Hit that rack and get some shut eye.
And for the hell of it a lil "Voice of Q."
Red Pill Nation always has a good multi stream going.
Alleged pedophile trying to speak to his wife, who found all the pedo shit in his computer left him and forwarded it all to the cops, takes the front half of his head off with what looks like a 12ga.
Still trying to confirm back story.
110%! My buddy got it off telegram this morning. When he gets at me tomorrow I'll know more for sure.
Hey AFLB. Hang up.
Just do it.
Noooope. o7!
Dubs check out. Dunno where that came from. If anyone has telegram and can maybe check it out it would be cool.
It'd be a shame if someone mp4 itโฆamiriite?
Oh yeah. Most likely a fitting direct cremation no id no nothing. Straight into the flames where the retort handler gets to give him a few extra beatings while he's turning him over cracking his skull and opening his cavities. I've seen and done some great restorative arts but nothing is putting that faggot back together for an open anything.
That was somehow oddly satisfying.