This is what a whiney little bitch sounds like
UW Professor tattled to the local news
Lake Washington is 22 miles north to south and is HUGE
Floating parties bring COVID-19, noise concerns at Seattle's Andrews Bay
SEATTLE — As crowds head outdoors for a busy holiday weekend, the risks go up for COVID-19 concerns, and the crush of visitors already showing up at Andrews Bay in Lake Washington have neighbors more on edge than ever.
Usually the big complaint with the boaters anchored off Seward Park is that they are loud and inconsiderate.
Neighbors said that hasn’t changed, but now these floating parties could jeopardize public health and they say nothing is being done about it.
“I think this has been a disaster as far as public health is concerned,” said Joe Zunt, who lives just a few blocks from Andrews Bay and has been watching boaters tie up side by side with no efforts at social distancing. “They are not wearing masks and they are potentially acquiring infection and then bringing it back to people who are trying to pay attention to the mandate."
Andrews Bay residents have been fighting for change for years. Their efforts started because of the noise boaters make that extends into the late-night hours. Then they noticed the impacts on wildlife.