Anonymous ID: e6a12b Sept. 4, 2020, 10:45 p.m. No.10533990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4084

American Lies | Banks, Corruption, and the Federal Reserve – Part 1: Banks


This is a helpful overview of the reason so many different countries are seeing widespread protest over the past few years.

In case you haven't noticed it, the Yellow Vest guys were very adamant about the banks being one of their chief concerns. This has spread to many countries over the past couple of years and the only reason an expansion was ever impeded was due to the Scamdemic.

Make no mistake - this Scamdemic isn't just about the election. [They] understand fully that they should never let a good crisis go to waste and it appears that you all keep seeing drastic economic downturn because they're having trouble hiding it these days.


Escape Fiat. Escape Wage Slavery. Be your own bank.

What is Decentralized Finance?

How much do you really know about it?

What's stopping you from becoming better informed?


What if I told you anons who have invested time in to researching alternatives to the banking cartels and their monopoly on slave-owning have learned to abandon Fiat and trade theirs for legitimate stores of value?

What if I told you that there are think tanks and other such entities with the sole dedication of ensuring you are too demoralized to explore other options whereby you're no longer a slave?

What if I told you that there are extensive measures which are taken consistently in order to avoid you finding out how to escape Debt Slavery/Wage Slavery?

You may think you aren't a slave until you ask all of your friends and family about how many of them actually own the car they drive, the house they live in, the phone they call you on and plenty of other things. Unfortunately, this is hardly scratching the surface.


Now, I implore you anons, learn who Mayer Bauer was. Learn how he stole France from the King. Understand how this story relates to our current situation. Learn how we got here.

Then, it's imperative that you learn about Decentralized Finance, how to benefit from it and why it's important that you know about it.

Anonymous ID: e6a12b Sept. 4, 2020, 10:45 p.m. No.10533994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4165

>>10533900 lb

In reality, The Bible is one part plagiarism of Hebrew text and another part spiritual allegory designed to trick you in to doing something you're not supposed to.

All sorts of faggots that keep secrets will burst to their wit's end to ensure you don't realize that The Bible is full of confused and diluted translations.

They got in too deep too quickly to make a sizable obstacle for the realization of the populace. There were plenty of secret orders that formed quickly after the texts were consolidated. Many comprehended the secret truths. Many practiced what the followers of The Christ taught.

The reason so many Christians were prosecuted back then was because they practiced what would have been called by those instructed to prevent further revelations "magick".


In reality, some of the secret schools have survived unto today. Unfortunately, they've been infiltrated for hundreds of years and most of what was preserved was lost.

Too bad for them, we have a terribly inconvenient habit of remembering things we aren't supposed to.

Anonymous ID: e6a12b Sept. 4, 2020, 11:01 p.m. No.10534116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4149 >>4166 >>4177 >>4422


Alright, I'll bite, considering this may not be popular among most of you:

We don't need Democracy.

I don't feel any obligation to "cast my vote" in a system I don't support.

I feel we've strayed too far away from the Constitution for me to be willing to participate in this diluted husk of a government.



I think it's important for you to decide your level of investment in acquiring this knowledge. I think I prefer the gambit of you maybe not completely getting it but still being intrigued, but not being able to be accused of wanting to profit off of your being green.

To put it in to simpler terms, many, many people out there will try to get you to buy something when having this conversation. I'd much prefer you to discover how to find the key to your wage cage all on your own.

Anonymous ID: e6a12b Sept. 4, 2020, 11:09 p.m. No.10534158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4182


It's probably because Hitler wasn't just doing what [they] wanted him to.



>Do you believe that Trump was placed over Hitlery for POTUS?

If, by this, you mean to ask if I think someone wanted POTUS to win over HRC, the obvious answer is yes.

/ourguys/ wanted POTUS to win, anons largely wanted him to win and quite a few normies did too.

The only people that wanted HRC to win were the ones that she "worked with".

Anonymous ID: e6a12b Sept. 4, 2020, 11:21 p.m. No.10534240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4295


The Talmud explains this.

Bear in mind, the verse about those who claim to be "Jews" but aren't is still rather accurate…



If you attempt to sharpen a blade from one angle, you will only dull or imbalance it.

>whet the appetite

I don't disagree that I could've done a better job.

Is there something specific you'd like to ask me?




You'll remember, we got POTUS elected.

Plenty of us need no convincing.

Sometimes I question myself too.

Anonymous ID: e6a12b Sept. 4, 2020, 11:41 p.m. No.10534363   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Freedom" isn't won by consensus.

"Freedom" is won via the Tree of Liberty, which is stained of the blood of Patriots and Tyrants alike (and it's looking a bit dry).

Anonymous ID: e6a12b Sept. 4, 2020, 11:50 p.m. No.10534418   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What do you think Deist meant?

Why were the men and women of the colonies of this great nation so obsessed with Astrology?

"Paganism" and "witchcraft" also obsessed your ancestors.



Well, not really. "God" is a fractured expression of life. It's more like, instead of "the existence", "God" is "the exister".

I think Creator is a much better word to describe what we were talking about before. Granted, depending on who you talk to, Creator can be anything from an Alien to a Planet to an inter-dimensional expression of Love.

Still, I sort of prefer the apatheistic mindset at that point. I think it matters less to delineate where the confines of "God" and "not God" lie and more to figure out just what it is that we're supposed to do or why we came here.