She should sue for Wrongful Death! She was probably told she was dying of something else entirely.
Get Dr Frank Reeves to take her case.
She should sue for Wrongful Death! She was probably told she was dying of something else entirely.
Get Dr Frank Reeves to take her case.
So they are saying they are Shits, but you gotta be smart enough to spot it?
Oh well, it's a start. Only another 7 or 8 billion people to find the clues.
Weird self appellation. 'We are shits, you idiots!'
No. The vaccine you get for this year's cold will help you die quicker from the next season's coldโฆ. ain't that a more accurate reading of available data.
Vaccines must become cyclical, like pain killers - seasonal for profit graphs and investment potential. Therefore, it follows that they will never cure anything. "Take this to stay alive until next year"
Why doesn't Rosie save us from her eternal moaning and just give us the Complete Unabridged Version of her Seemingly Horrible Life in one day. All events, all incriminated individuals, all names of wrongdoers, all black cats that crossed her path, all locations of all ladders she walked underneath, all the shards of all the mirrors she accidentally broke.
We want it all, Rosie! But in one day! Stop torturing us with your drip-feed misery.
Bill Gates is on shaky ground there! He might just have to beat up his reflection in the mirror to work out which one of his causes survives.
One of the very foundation stones of 'science' is theory. Present a theory then solidify it with experiment which provides evidence. Any scientist, in whatever field, who denounces theorisers is in actuality a non-scientist, an anti-scientist, a dim IQer.
Thus I laugh at Conspiracy Theory Deniers.
Which is the most diehard Republican State in the Union? And what are the house prices like? ;)
Yeah, but he evaded saying which was the bad guy. The wolf or the shepherd?
After all, you might describe the shepherd as a busy body environmentalist in the mould of Greta Thunburg. And the wolf? Well, they gotta eat too.
So Mr Lincoln, stop sitting on the fence. You condemning wolves for fending for their families whilst their territory is being infested with critters that never belonged there?
Speak up Man!
So Gangsters and politicians that might sanction murder either to get power of stay in power are closer to Jesus's concept of morality than the preachers chastising us about 'sin'?
Killing your enemy is Godly?
Just what does that 'red' October mean?
So many possibilitiesโฆ. and most of them chilling. After all, what might stop an election dead in its tracks? A domestic war of maybe an international one.