Has a dig been done on the Q listing of political blackmail candidates
how many of the names in Q's latest post have been sentenced versus excused from office versus voluntary step down?
Has a dig been done on the Q listing of political blackmail candidates
how many of the names in Q's latest post have been sentenced versus excused from office versus voluntary step down?
just never the will or fortitude
always waiting for the masses to join your mission so it is approved and confirmed
weakness, that is todays American
why would the fighting forces of our military want Trump, he is not going to war, the MIC makes it's money on both sides of the war, and USA fighting forces attain job security and the opportunity to enrich themselves through war.
That's the problem with groups like 3%, they reject non military/leo patriots but don't ever really get involved because rarely is the situation on the ground anything more than a protest.
If they can't use them war skills no reason to be their, if they wouldn't fire a shot during Bundy's several incidents they never will.
their is no legitimate militia anymore and Americans are to comfortable even now to ever fight, they want to keep what is theirs, so they will let the government do it
and that is the problem, the government that did this to our country cannot be the solution, it must be overthrown, and made anew.
The militia groups are like the Christians, agreeing with most but letting little differences alienate and divide
their will be no coming together
would you want your home to be joined by these rioting radical lefties in the new system?
No like a rabid dog they need to be put down, but you will save yours and they will stand another day because you are unwilling to make the hard choices
divided she is going to fall
and falling she is most assuredly doing
as that was the deal for the NWO to enjoin the countries she destroyed over the last 50+ years
it is the buy in for the NWO, burn it down sound like something you have been hearing a lot?
and most here are fighting to keep that system
that's the scary part of all this
and should prompt you to arm up and food & water security & mental preparation that you are going to have to kill your fellow man in order to live a free life, are you really free though if every person who comes around forces you to make split decisions of their motive and character? once you have dropped the first, the rest will be easier for awhile, then it becomes to tiring and the moment you hesitate will be the moment you lose the war
this government cannot do this to you then be the solution, most just don't want that for how disruptive to the life they know, so they will fold right back under the authority our government used to do this to you
It is not working
I disagree though
Q plan is to uphold the government that did this to you
he champions Barr and Sessions and Wray while the DOJ clocks and calendars his loyalist
Q's job is to ensure the government is what is standing at the end of the war, tired and scared you will give your liberty or life
anons thought pain was for the evil, it was for all not connected, though suicide weekend was for the evil, instead for the weak and tired, those who sat around waiting for someone to do something, never accepting that they might have to act themselves
>there's really not many that hold the true founders' beliefs of just being left alone but sometimes it's fun to watch people pretend they do.
this describes most here that are not paid
they know
they just won't accept because that would require action with real world consequences so it is not going to happen and why Q is a successful psyop, it enabled the woke/willing to become placated for another to do what was required of them and convinced them they could keep all their prizes with no self cost
the vote is not relevant to the plan
the challenged/uncertain vote is the plan
it brings the military
it had to be this way
it is the plan
Americans are stupid and weak though
the majority will take them, and ensure you are forced for you are surrounded by stupidity
Americans gave away their power long ago
It is not coming back