4 years of "Patriots in control"
If these faggot journalists are going to blame us
for shit they should at least get their info right
"Boogaloo Bois"??? "Working for Hamas"??
It's funny how this board used to be about
getting justice, getting our country back, now
it is just stories about how bad we are getting
fucked. Every day it gets worse with no end in
sight. 3 years of promises from Q and waiting….
Fuck off and wear your face diaper you little bitch
it's all so tiresome
I bet you get a boner when Trump talks about
how many ventilators we have and that sweet
new embassy in Jeruselum
I stand corrected…Lindsey will save us!
I hope you die with that image on your puter, you sick fuck
this is never going to end
>Dr. Andre Campbell
When the world finds out that Covid was a hoax
what happens to lying cunts like this?
Seems to me if the DOJ was really white hats,
every time one of these swamp rats pipes up
someone should be checking his/her bank records and collecting his/her communications.
But that makes too much sense
>replying to a bot
there won't be any swamp draining in the next 60 days. Our best hope is maybe a couple bombs dropped on Biden's head but I wouldn't even bet on that