true freedom when?
turns out that the system can't be changed nor true freedom (staking your own land, no taxes, raise your family peacefully without government overreach and spying, grow your own whatever without threat of jail[free market is free market]) be brought about when the entire system is based on controlling the masses aka sheep and lies since the USA has been a corporation since ever.
still a part of the UN and they haven't been kicked the fuck out of NY.
still paying the imf and world bank as per agenda 2030.
oh well, be born, go get indoctrinated at "school", be a part of "society", "children belong to entire communities and not their parents", get a job and wage slave, then maybe retire and collect $800/month which should cover all the pills a person has to take by that age and probably rent the nursing home room, then die.
yep, it's hegelian dialect right in front of everyone's faces.
because faggot useful idiots on the left are doing stupid shit and fucking other people's property up, killing them, etc., the useful idiots on the right want moar government and a militarized police force.
there's really not many that hold the true founders' beliefs of just being left alone but sometimes it's fun to watch people pretend they do.
>pack light
have pretty much already mentally checked out of this world.
when everything and everyone is fake as fuck and being aware of that fact, it's pretty easy to do.
might check some of it out.
just liked the monopoly board one because it rang true to the current topic.
appreciate the info.
>40% must be kept private
that's the one that sealed it.
you can't have an awakening and keep shit secret too.
the people deserve to know how they've been getting screwed and used as lab rats/slaves.
but hey, watch the news and all that.