>>1054112 >>1054141
I'm sure you dont have an M.A. in ancient languages and cultures as I do, nor have you read The Golden Bough on comparative world religions nor the early Church Fathers as I have, or even Herodotus or Livy, but perhaps you can grasp these facts. Please note the corresponding decline in culture and prosperity where catholicism has lost numbers. Nearly all great Artists have been catholics, because catholics value culture, unlike water-imbibing, no decoration, primitive protestants. I hope these numbers dont rouse up your demonic possessions too much. Maybe you should see a Priest?
"The number of baptized Catholics grew 1 percent in a year to reach 1.285 billion as of Dec. 31, 2015, the date to which the statistics in both books refer.
Looking at the period 2010-2015, the global Catholic population increased by 7.4 percent, the Vatican said. Africa continued to be the continent with the largest percentage growth, increasing by 19.4 percent over the same five-year period. The increase in Africa outpaced the growth of the general population.
In Europe, the Americas and Asia, generally speaking, the statistical growth or decline of the Catholic population coincided with the growth or decline of the population as a whole over the five-year period, according to the Central Office for Church Statistics."