Anonymous ID: 18298b Sept. 6, 2020, 12:14 a.m. No.10544418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4453 >>4472 >>4590 >>4601 >>4686

Melbourne (Victoria) copped a huge kick to the nuts today anons. They really need all the support possible right now, lockdowns/curfew just got extended for another 6 weeks minimum, post the 6 weeks almost completed, with little adjustment to anything.


Strongest lock downs globally with some of the lower case numbers of any country, despite them all being BS anyway. But this is the real deal now, this just got a whole lot worse than anyone can realise. This is now the kill blow to Victoria and has the ability to take down the entire national economy as a result given Victoria is 25-40% of the national income.

Anonymous ID: 18298b Sept. 6, 2020, 12:56 a.m. No.10544604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4629



Am in Aus, from Melb, got very lucky work wise to be out of Melbourne when it locked down late June… haven't been back since and don't know when/if i will. All family and friends there. We're getting f'n reamed.

Anonymous ID: 18298b Sept. 6, 2020, 1:36 a.m. No.10544832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4846 >>4857



100% Melbourne is worst in the world, mostly because they don't need to create any social facturing to be able to instill the police state, everyone has become far to placid and willing in Aus and now they can just change rules and legislation on a whim and the left/green freaks champion it in and the rest of us have to just accept it or we're racist/anti something.


I actually feel very very lucky both in my job and being away from it, but the big issue is that now if i cross the border again to get home, i cant get back out if it doesn't ever change. So i face the very real situation of having to walk away from what i have just to retain freedom from that shit. Plus all family there… its an odd situation to be in, but i fear the next few months a couple of other key states are going to follow suit so it might make no difference. But there is many silent ones waiting for the trumpet call. When it sounds they will stand.