it's all the faggots out in cali winding down for the night.
this place got infected with aids once the normalfags from twatter and kikebook started flooding it.
been at this for years.
dozens of accounts shoah'd.
there's plenty of people putting the word out about zog pushing their marxist d&c agenda on the populace these days.
>we do this for free
>can't into the chans
cool story, newfag.
how is preyingmed doing with all his newfound shekel stardom?
yea, the faggots fresh off kikebook had to politically correct the long used terminology to 'normies' as to not hurt anyone's fee-fee's complete with their top text bottom text grandma memes.
kek, that and the DHS nigger that tried to basically say the constitution and ideals of the founders didn't matter because "times have changed".
there's so many 3-letters that should be scattered to the wind that will never habben.
number 1 most attacked by the establishment - POTUS
number 2 most attacked by the establishment - whites