Some of those natural graces
Are a greater knowledge of dietary supplements
That correct malnutrition caused by industrial controlled diets.
Coronavirus causes cardiomyopathy
Which is why HCQ helps as a prophylactic
But for most people
You should be taking Selenium
Together with CoQ10
They work together in synergy
And if you are taking a statin
That weakens the heart unless…
You counteract it with CoQ10 and other nutrients.
Respiratory viruses have little effect on people who have lots of Vitamin D
But those who wear clothes all day
Have a hard time getting enough
So take Vitamin D3 along with magnesium.
Cold and flu are caused by retroviruses
And they need to hijack the human cells
To reproduce
Zinc plus EGCG from Green Tea
Or Zinc plus Quercetin
Or Zinc + HCQ
Will get Zinc into your cells
Where it will stop the first step used by the virus
To reproduce.
Vitamin C in doses of over 6000 mg per day
Kills viruses.
Vitamin C is safe to take in almost any dose
Because you know when your body is getting too much
It gives you diarrhea.
So reduce the dose when that happens.
Some people go up to 10's of 1000s of mg.
Personally, I think they are not paying enough attention to other nutrients
If you are actually sick with a cold,
Some anticoagulant like Aspirin may be useful
But if it is bad enough to see a doctor
Don't take Aspirin because…
Lung congestion and difficulty breathing is caused by a cytokine storm
To directly reduce this, take anti-inflammatory drugs
A maximum dose of Ibuprofen
Which should NOT BE COMBINED with Aspirin
And Acetaminophen, but most people would get that
In a cold and flu preparation anyway.
Doctors can prescribe steroids like Dexamethasone
Which pharmacies in my city are having difficulty keeping in stock
Or corticosteroids like Budesonide and Prednisolone
These all keep your lungs open
So that you get the oxygen
That keeps you alive
And feeds your heart muscles
So, we have finally gotten to the bottom of COVID
There is a virus
It is a common cold virus
But, it attacks the heart and this is why
There is an increased risk of death
Young and heart healthy people can still escape
But how do you know you are heart healthy?
Some 20-30 year olds got COVID and had a rough time of it
Even though they did not need hospitalization
That is because Coronavirus fundamentally causes Cardiomyopathy
That is the key indicator of whether you need to worry or not
And since it has been around since at least 2017
When they simply thought people were dying from influenza,
There will be a second wave
Which in truth, is actually the 5th or 6th wave