Great thread - conversion story of a Buttigieg fan to a Trump patriot! Welcome to the MAGA crowd!
KJ The Hoosier@KTinSB1
First and foremost Thank you
for all that you do! You are true patriots! Nine months ago I was all about Pete Buttigieg…Being from South Bend Indiana I felt it was my duty to elect the hometown I think most people would..Even though I had.
4:47 PM · Sep 2, 2020·
..always leaned Republican (which yes is weird for a gay man most will say) back then Pete was like me and going to make the world a better place, help the world I thought..In my mind I was So excited about the idea of having someone like me from small town Indiana that..
I never took the time to truly listen just how radical, off the charts and unrealistic the dems truly were!..About 3 months ago I started getting the notion that something wasn't right. I kept thinking why is all the media bashing @realDonaldTrump and did my reasearch and …
Realized just how much of the news was really fake against him..I started doing more research and my eyes started to open to the fact that @realDonaldTrump truly loves our country and has done so many good things that the Fake news never covers…
Another huge thing for me was I was always told Trump hates gays…which was the furthest thing from the truth! I learned he appointed 5 gay ambassadors and the first openly gay cabinet member..i knew this wasn't the only misconception I had…
I learned @realDonaldTrump shared and cared for so many things that are important to me such as national parks, our veterans, the native American population, and many other things I care deeply about!
Recent events have been awful…many democrat run cities are On the brink of total anarchy and it makes me sick! I'm all for PEACEFUL protests but what we are seeing in Kenosha, DC, Chicago,Portland and many other cities is unreal! Trump loves our country and is trying hard to…
Save our great cities..yet the far left would rather let their cities burn and play political games rather then accept the help they so badly need! Why wouldn't they suck up their pride and protect their cities from rioters and looters who destroy the lives of hard working people
And destroy the American dream? Trump is a fighter a patriot and someone who truly loves our country and our people…I truly feel if the left is elected more chaos and destruction will ravage our great nation! To the knuckleheads that think de funding the police is the answer…
It's truly not! If anything we should DOUBLE Police budgets so we can create more local community initiatives , create better relations, employ more minorities, and encourage people to work WITH THE police not against them!
In conclusion I encourage every one of you to follow and sign up for the amazing mainly list that @robbystarbuck and @imatriarch who love this country so much have worked so hard on! Yes blm and blue lives matter and now its time to come together and not only MAGA but KEEP ….
Our country the United States the best Country on earth! I encourage all Voters to get out and vote! I love our country and encourage you to follow me and do the research! You will see and know in your hearts that only @realDonaldTrump can get the job done! Peace and love 2 All!