hi bakes, why is there two breads for 13492?
the other one is almost at 450 posts. shills?
hi bakes, why is there two breads for 13492?
the other one is almost at 450 posts. shills?
f'eye fo's chek'd
ANC report has an exchange between Thomas Sowell and Joe Biden during the confirmation hearing for Judge Bork. They label him as a fellow of the Hoover Institute. I know Victor David Hansen is also from the Hoover Institute. So i look up Mr. Sowell.
in the attached video @ 6:30 Sowell is saying Chicago parents are holding signs "ACLU KEEP OUT!!!" because due process is applied in disciplining students. Unruly students are holding back the rest of the students getting educated. Throw the unruly ones out for the betterment of the rest.
On Race and ethnicity:
Sowell thinks that systemic racism is an untested, questionable hypothesis that is a piece of propaganda pushed on the American people. Sowell has said that “it really has no meaning that can be specified and tested in the way that one tests hypotheses" and "it’s one of many words that I don’t think even the people who use it have any clear idea what they’re saying". He has argued that it is a propaganda tactic akin to those used by Joseph Goebbels because it comes with an attitude that it must be "repeated long enough and loud enough" till it is believed and people "cave in" to it.
born in Jerusalem.
he states that SYSTEMATIC RACISM is bullshit!
way before jesus, the pyramids in mexico. they used to march 25,000 people up 91 steps and throw them down the other side. down 91 stone steps. a river of blood would flow down it. imaging how much adrenaline was consumed by the elders on that day. The Vernal Equinox….approaches soon.
i know what Govnah Elder Killer can do with that finger…