>>10544779 Sleep, knowing you are loved.
I worry about those balloons. If filled with an oxy-acetylene mix (straight from an unlit torch, perfect mix) , with a washer put in to weigh it down… a single spark from those fireworks will create secondary explosions that could deafen or maim.
Those should be popped whenever seen away from flame.
>>10545042 Before this is over, Harris' smug look will be as distant a memory as Paul Ryan's is.
She could not have done more damage to the left, than by saying this, then becoming a candidate.
We'll thank her, someday.
>>10545134 Did you forget your mission, or were you still in your rack when it was handed down?
>>10545149 Yet, you coined a term: "normalfag".
No such thing. Normies come in here to become fags. Back to your fingerpainting.
>>10545228 TYB.