I'd like to offer my hypothesis about "COVID-19" deaths and why some countries seem unscathed (I used Euromomo.eu data) by "COVID-19" excess mortality.
My hypothesis is that flu shots (or other vaccines given to elderly) are the key. Previous attempts to make a vaccine for other coronaviruses ended badly as they worsened the outcomes in subsequent exposures.
What if vaccines used for elderly people are either intentionally or accidentally contaminated with sensitizing amounts of coronavirus or fragments? We already have evidence that flu vaccination increases the risk of other respiratory infections and a US DoD study showed that though the flu shot appeared not to be associated generally, with increased infections, there was an association with increased risk of severe coronavirus infections.
I found this information from statists. https://www.statista.com/chart/16575/global-flu-immunization-rates-vary/
I have particularly noticed that Estonia did not have excess deaths (apparently) over the last number of years, according to Euromomo data. It's a small country and not on the world stage as much as some others. How did they escape "coronavirus" excess mortality? Could it be the low rate of flu vaccination among the elderly?
China is back in business, with massive pool parties in Wuhan. Why are countries around the world still pushing shutdowns?