I think it makes sense to highlight specific content that's worth watching, even if the people behind it have less-than-pure intentions. Also, getting a (you) from Q could serve as a sort of test: If they are pure of intent, they'll keep producing honest content. If not, they'll try to capitalize on having gotten attention from Q.
To be clear, though, I don't know anything about any of the specific content creators referred to here. All I remember was the Corsi thing and I've seen a couple of other names float around that I tend to forget.
I get you.
DANG. Makes you wonder how many desperate bad actors are spending long, coked up nights here, the sheer volume of our shitposting weighing heavier and heavier on them. Kek.
They may wind up with no choice, and they'd probably try to dance around it as much as possible. I'd say it's mostly a question of when.