6 years ago I was working a part-time evening job and a bunch of the staff were all sitting doing our work at a table (manual manufacture all the shit was from China)
and some topic came up and I referred to the topic as THUGS, the entire table, mostly dumb-fucks and young retards ALL got so angry
thinking i was referring to black people. I told them they just assumed that THUGS meant black people due to rap music, NONE of them understood true language and all proceeded to hate on me big time. I was not even talking about any skin color or person, I was talking a bout a criminal I can see it in my mind it was so crazy. This was one of those places that forces rah rah rah we love our job cheer sessions as a group collective and if you did no fake it even a little, they made notes. Very THE CIRCLE on a smaller scale. All knew I am a believer in Christ and began to call me a bigot and all the rest. The point is the taking of words WAS a huge effort/push for dummies and young people as it is that important when nothing is TRUE any longer and words do not have real meaning you can rely on. Today 6 years later it must be even more brain-washy. Some of these same people could not read a face clock only digital and could not read cursive. I saw it coming.
Even the word FACT is debatable, here we are 2020.
snatch up old dictionaries and keep them and give to youkids and grandkids like gold
TAKE BACK WORDS starting with male/female, marriage, biological sex, etc.
all PB