snowflake.. all I see is snowflakes… Falling snowflakes.
Snowflakes always fall. Opposite of stars.
It's pretty much exactly what /clownroom/ is doing here. they running down all of the socialist trick today.
Lots and lots of complete faggots got outed today.
Thanks /clownroom/ anons would have never known those idividuals were comped, without you fucking up.
>Thanks /clownroom/ anons would have never known those idividuals were comped, without you fucking up.
DISCLAIMER: This is complete sarc. The anons knew the whole fucking time and only sauced it because they got fucking sick of your shit.
have you gotten the impression that the facefags that get the Q you… Were pointed out/ instead of endorsed?
That's the impression this anon got.. dunno.
anyone remember og freddy?
All the more reason to deny him or his board special treatment.
The textbook term for that would be "appeasement"
>To be clear, though, I don't know anything about any of the specific content creators referred to here
word. I meant pointed out as in:
Q is saying… "here they are… … you decide if they will be relevant".
Q is very clear when they give yea or nay responses.
it's already gone.
Section Three is not going anywhere. That is /qr/ turf. been there over a year