Anonymous ID: 68d20f Sept. 6, 2020, 8:22 p.m. No.10552502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2520 >>2723 >>2810 >>2942 >>2974

Interesting article on how fear is being used in media to negatively affect the population's thinking abilities, and how it actually, physically affects the ability of the people to think their way out of the fear-porn being pumped out by the mockingbirds.


The Wages Of Perpetual Fear


What Perpetual Fear Does To Us

>"During sustained stress, we’re more fearful, our thinking is muddled, we assess risks poorly, and act impulsively out of habit, rather than incorporating new data.”

Under a long stream of fear (like scary headlines), our thinking breaks down. Let me put that very simply: You may be very bright in essence, but when you consume hours of fear every day, you become stupid. And please understand: This is biological. Your brain operations become those of a stupid person.


The people selling fear on TV, web pages and social media are being rewarded for it. They have become, using my terms loosely but not unfairly, drug dealers, selling damaging material that people become dependent upon. Moreover, these are professionals. Social media companies are fully aware that their business models depend upon people being addicted to them. They are careful to keep them addicted.


The fears people consume, then, are coming to them from people who are cashing in from it.

>“Stress weakens connections that are essential for incorporating new information that should prompt shifting to a new strategy - while strengthening connections with habitual brain circuits.”


In other words, fear locks you into your habits and your previous choices.

It literally diminishes the brain pathways that allow you to change your mind.


This is serious, and I suspect that you’ve seen examples of this already.

>“Under sustained stress we process emotionally prominent information rapidly and automatically, but less accurately. Working memory, impulse control, decision-making, risk-assessment and task shifting are impaired.”


Again, prolonged fear locks people into whatever path they’re already on. And again, this is biological. The brain circuits are directly affected.



From everything I’ve written above (and there are other nasty effects like domestic violence), it would appear that we are doomed; that our neighbors who’ve drunk deep from the river of fear are brain-locked, and so long as the fear stream continues (there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight), they will get more and more rigid in their biases, and that violence will continue and increase.


The wages of perpetual fear are polarized and locked minds. And that leads to knee-jerk opposition, violence and murder. We’re seeing that now and we stand to see it for some time. The world, it seems, has become addicted to fear.

Anonymous ID: 68d20f Sept. 6, 2020, 8:36 p.m. No.10552619   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> we all fucking know the only people who care about notables are lazy faggots that can't just scroll through the same shit everyone else has to scroll through

That's not just what notables are for. Many people around the world look at notables on some aggregators sites, so they get the info without having to visit the board.

For some people who are short on time, it's really handy to look at them on for example (that has clickable links) to catch up.


I have no comment on bakers, as it's useless to get involved, and nothing nice to say about gerbil. But the value of the notables, whether you look at them off-site or not, is very high to other people.

Anonymous ID: 68d20f Sept. 6, 2020, 8:47 p.m. No.10552736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2781


Yes, that's the whole point - I hate having to look at notables from previous threads - you have to open that thread up in a new tab and then, hopefully, you get the link and open in a new tab.

That site is a huge time-saver. It's very convenient for both anons and the public


I think some people don't realize how important what we do here really is, and how important notables are, and even moreso how far they actually reach, especially through sites like

Anonymous ID: 68d20f Sept. 6, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.10552772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2784


May I suggest a correction for clarify?


Add DOE before AUTHORIZES in this line




b/c it's the DOE that is authorizing it, Grennell is just highlighting their leadership

Anonymous ID: 68d20f Sept. 6, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.10553043   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There's a "political convention" that they don't prosecute within 60 days of an election, but Barr said very clearly that Justice is not on a timetable and his DOJ would not curtail its efforts according to some political schedule.