Anonymous ID: 7f84fd Sept. 6, 2020, 8:12 p.m. No.10552403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2419

>>10552259 lb


There are some things

That when you lie about them

There are legal consequences.


If you yell FIRE in a crowded theater

You WILL BE CHARGED and convicted of a crime

Even if nobody dies, this time.

When all the news media lies about election results

And riots ensue

And the first person dies

All the new media personnel who lied

Will be arrested.

Eventually, only junior employees will be left

And they will tell the truth


The biggest majority in history.

Anonymous ID: 7f84fd Sept. 6, 2020, 8:36 p.m. No.10552625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2690


A ballot is no use if you cannot show how you got it.

When a person votes, the polling station checks the voter list and allows only one vote.

With absentee ballots, a person goes to get a ballot in person, shows ID, and the USPS assigns a blockchain hash, records the hash, and prints it on the ballot.

When ballots come back in the mail, they look up the blockchain hash.

If it was assigned to a voter, and the vote is not already counted, they count it.

When they get a stack of democrat ballots with no hashes

Or invalid hashes,

They don't count them.

And if sneaky dems break into the voter's house, and photograph the ballot hash

And print thousands of copies

The USPS will only count the first one that comes in

At best, one voter will lose their vote because they were not careful with their ballot.


Dems can take this to court,

And if they win, they just outed another corrupt judge

It will be appealed and if Dems win again

They just outed a second corrupt judge

The case then goes to the Supreme Court

They will reject the ballots with invalid hashes.

But if they don't, the Military will move into DC

And remove everyone from elected office

Appoint officials to fill all the roles until an election can be held

And Trump will still be inaugurated


After that, it will take at least 2 years to prepare for another election

And to issue Federal Voter Id to every citizen

And Federal Non-Citizen Resident Id to every alien

There will be military checkpoints at every supermarket

And ICE will sweep neighborhoods with small groceries

Illegals will be deported immediately with no recourse to the courts

Because there will be no courts and no judges

Military Tribunals will only hear serious criminal cases


I think the Supreme Court judges will feel safe in rejecting the Globalists by November

The times they are a-changing


And by the way

The people of the USA have still not come to grips with the PROMISES of Socialism

It is pretty clear that America rejects the REALITY of Socialism

But surely you have noticed that Trump's government has been doing a pretty good job

On delivering the promises of previous Democrats

The promises of socialism like health care to everyone.


You see, the dialectic trick that the Communists use

Is actually a CON to remove your choice

They are steering you to what they want you to choose.

So people are simply not used to creatively thinking through a problem

And finding a workable solution that is NEITHER of the two dialectic choices.

Such as Trump's healthcare solution

Insurance companies cannot consider pre-existing conditions when taking on a customer.

Suddenly anyone can shop around

When there is real choice, there is a market

Market forces will keep quality up, prices down

The broken US NON-care system was the most expensive healthcare system in the world

Even though it did not provide much care to many people.

But now it is suddenly one of the better systems

Rivalling those of socialist countries in Europe.


How many other socialist promises can Trump's government deliver

Without using socialism to do so

And why did it take so long for the people of the USA to make it so?

Anonymous ID: 7f84fd Sept. 6, 2020, 8:42 p.m. No.10552680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump is not gonna be around forever.

Maybe another 20 years

But I don't think he is gonna want to stay in politics

He'll probably still be some kind of advisor to others like CPAC

And maybe he will advise and back a bunch of watchdog and oversight organizations

Who scour the country looking for incompetence


And even corruption

And they will point it out and document it

Much like Project Veritas and Judicial Watch do today

But who is looking at the quality of drugs?

Who is forensic testing random samples of lettuce?

You cannot have government doing all of this stuff

You need multiple independent citizen supported organizations

And if the ISR and Income tax go away

Everybody will be able to spare a few bucks to support such groups

And then, the globalists will never, ever have a chance to regroup.


Anonymous ID: 7f84fd Sept. 6, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.10552710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2759


THen go out and set fire to the post office after the ballots are delivered to USPS but before they are sorted and distributed

Burn the place to the ground


Lets see if CNN is brave enough to put this story on the Monday morning news!