First week or September - huge collection of links to articles about crimes against children - most w/ two sources.
Throughout August I compiled a huge list of links related to crimes against children. I did this because the national news media has been referring to the #SaveOurChildren movement as a “QAnon Conspiracy.” Much of the media coverage has suggested that we “are misrepresenting the fact that there are many times of trafficking and abuse and not just one” or even more ridiculously, “only care about white kids.”
While I know that “we” [as people interested in the health, safety, and justice of children] are very aware that these tragedies happen in many forms, it is sometimes hard to elaborate on those thoughts or back them up against someone who is dead-set on calling you a “conspiracy theorist.” The number of news stories downplaying the plight of children as a “QAnon Conspiracy” is disgusting and disheartening.
Consider how many politicians, celebrities, billionaires, etc. have been convicted of crimes against children [and how many more are suspected and/or have somehow escaped justice] and then consider how they are all linked to the mainstream media that is owned by only six parent companies. Their money is intertwined and they will do anything to protect their assets.
I am going to attempt to start collecting stories on a weekly basis for updates going forward while the media is still in attack mode against us. These are from the first six days of September.
But the abuse, trafficking, pornography, is “Just a conspiracy.” Right.