People are falling for the promotion of holding a Constitutional Convention. This is a back door to get global control of our country. Don't fall for it! They get people to buy in using the excuse of term limits. People are fed up and think this is a way to take their power back, but it is NOT. Once a convention is called, they can do anything. It's a bait and switch!
We MUST not let them succeed. Our Constitution is the only thing standing in the way of global control. This is the first of many videos to come which will detail who and what this is all about. They only need 34 states. They already have the following.
States that have passed the Convention of States application (15):
Georgia March 6, 2014
Alaska April 19, 2014
Florida April 21, 2014
Alabama May 22, 2015
Tennessee February 4, 2016
Indiana February 29, 2016
Oklahoma April 25, 2016
Louisiana May 25, 2016
Arizona March 12, 2017
North Dakota March 24, 2017
Texas May 4, 2017
Missouri May 12, 2017
Arkansas February 14, 2019
Utah March 5, 2019
Mississippi March 27, 2019
States where the Convention of States application has passed in one chamber but not the other: New Mexico, Iowa, South Dakota, Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia, New Hampshire.
States considering the Convention of States resolution in 2020:
Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.…
WE NEED COMMITTEES OF SAFETY. Just like the colonies did in the first American Revolution!
Many Committees of Safety were established throughout the Thirteen American colonies at the start of the American Revolution in 1774-75. They became shadow government that took actual control of the colonies away from royal officials who became increasingly helpless. These committees in part grew out of the less formal Sons of Liberty groups, which started to appear in the 1760s as means to discuss and spread awareness of the concerns of the time, and often consisted of every male adult in the community. The local militias were usually under the control of the committees, which in turn sent representatives to county-wide and colony-level assemblies to represent their local interests.
Committees of Safety formed in 1774 to keep watch on the distrusted royal government. By 1775 they had become the operating government of all the colonies, as the royal officials were expelled.
Educate yourselves and others. Share, share, share. Our country is hanging by a thread. We don't have much time left.
Stay tuned.
God Bless America!