Some tidbits about BLM Finances.
The financial handling of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is taken care of by a group called
Thousand Currents, which is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) organization. So while the donations on Black Lives Matter
website go through the left-wing ActBlue donation platform, they are received by Thousand Currents who then
provides administrative, legal and financial support for BLM.
Thousand Currents was founded in 1985 as the International Development Exchange (IDEX).
IDEX changed it’s name to Thousand Currents in 2016. Their connection with BLM seems to go back to 2015:
From Discover The Networks:
In November 2015, IDEX established a legal partnership with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Though IDEX
does not act officially as BLM’s fiscal sponsor, the Exchange is able to receive grants and tax-deductible
donations on BLM’s behalf. IDEX
From Thousand Currents:
In 2016, BLM Global Network approached Thousand Currents to create a fiscal sponsorship agreement. Thousand
Currents, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, provides the legal and administrative framework to enable
BLM to fulfill its mission… In this capacity, we provide administrative and back office support, including
finance, accounting, grants management, insurance, human resources, legal and compliance. Donations to BLM are
received as restricted donations to support the activities of BLM.
A public audit of the Thousand Currents group showed that they were holding over $6.4 million in total financial
assets. This included $3.3 million in assets for Black Lives Matter. Since the death of George Floyd, the Black
Lives Matter Global Network Foundation has pulled in $1.1 million averaging $33 from individual donations. BLM has
brought in more than $33 million in less than a month. In recent days, BLM announced grant funds totaling $12.5 million.
Thousand Currents are funded by many leftist donors and organizations including the Tides Foundation, W.K. Kellogg
Foundation, International Planned Parenthood Federation, the NoVo Foundation, and the Libra Foundation, among
others. Many of the donor organizations are connected with George Soros’ Open society foundation, but we won’t be
focusing on that as the details are easy to find.
One of the donor organizations to Thousand Currents Group that sticks out is the Libra Foundation.
The Libra Foundation is the main philanthropic vehicle for billionaire Nicholas Pritzker and his wife Susan.
Pritzker is a member the political family that made its money through the Hyatt hotel chain.
Do you know who is also part of this family?
Is it a coincidence that Chicago, Illinois is home to all of these Marxists Leftist Communists? Not only is the
Pritzker family based in Chicago, Illinois, Obama grew roots there, and so did Bill Ayers of the Weather
Underground. Do you know who is also from Chicago? Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals.
Did you know that the American Communist Party was born in Chicago in 1919 and headquartered there until 1927?
In 2017, Black Lives Matter released a report where its founders — Garza, Cullors, and Opal Tometi — are described
as “three radical Black organizers.” Going a little back to 2015 in an interview with ‘The Real News Network’,
Cullors said that she and Garza were “trained Marxists” who were “super versed on, sort of, ideological theories,
and I think what we really try to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk.”