Here I present to you the world's most important title - the grierfag. Currently Luis Elizondo (Mountain Dew Camacho…?) is the world's most massive grierfag, followed closely by UFO kook Tucker Carlson who holds the lesser grierfag rank of griergay.
POTUS and his son have been handed documents written in solidified sperm by past grierfags, which must be viewed inside a SCIF (Sperm Containment Interdicting Fertilization) so no one gets grierfag's gay UFO seed all over himself.
It must be noted that grierfaggotry, unlike ancient homosexual practices, is no more than 20 years old. In the past, incursions of knowledge into UFO territory were handled by medications, payments to farmers, bullets to heads, and constructions of even more underground and tunnel levels of non-existent bases in remote areas.
Currently it is next to impossible by your favourite baker girl to get abducted and impregnated by an ayy lmao with a (their words) bestiality fetish, therefore all UFO activities, which are almost exclusively somehow peaceful by pure chance, must be 100% fake and gay - note the fake segment has been debunked by cmdr David Fravor, his copilot, his bird farm radar operator, and so on and so on sniff tugs shirt.
A notable exception to the grierfag's rule of peaceful contact occured over Greenland however as soon as the probes were awoken from their 20 year old slumber they asploded, along with the craft. Get rekt lol (would have been crater rekt but vaporized)
the explanation of this is also very gay but you are used to it by now
Happy grierfaggotry, grierfags. Don't forget to distract everyone from the imminent demonic demise from wherever.