Happy guild slaves day!
this is a sick headed donk
donk for posting 'wzzard-hands' photo of no name
Why would someone have a wizzard's hands picture of that unnamed guy?
and then why would someone post such a graphic?
this is what we put up with here, these people who think they are casting spells on us.
all of your wizzard hands donk-diculous.
people who put a hyphon in a name might be, donk.
no stranger who uses the world 'reconcile' should ever be listened to.
how is warning about those who use images to 'spell' and project being upset.
It's me saying 'I see what you do, I know why you do it. you post that for this, you are a donk'
Ah, I pegged you right on, but you don't speak the language so you think I said something else.