Can anybody give me a full (abridged!) understanding of this Red Castle, Green Castle stuff.
Maybe I've been lazy over the years and months. It was never high on my priorities to decipher all complexities attached to it. But it just seems to have meant so many things at different times that I just left it there to the esoterics till now.
At the beginning of the Pandemic - at least as far as it's effected the Western world, the green symbology was strong. The Irish Prime minister made a grand speech about 'so many asking so much of so few' followed by stark imagery of a castle bathed in Green… then the Queen made her big speech dressed in Green.
So in a way, Pandemic was judged to be a Green Castle moment - the beginning of a planned stage.
And now on the horizon after so many months is the oft talked about Red October. Major shift in plan designed for then? Whole new narrative ready to be unleashed? But what narrative. One hopes the virus narrative begins to crumble dramatically.