good analysis.
>Unelected bureaucrats should not be able to mandate behaviors or write rules that impinge the US Constitution. In this fake pandemic, public health has been the primary tool of the coup against what remains of our Republic
Congress granted it power to agencies to create Shadow Gov, Rockefeller influenced from the AMA to EPA, to CDC, many moar.
With granting/commissioning of agency status, agencies gained congressional law making ability (unconstitutionally) via rules/guidlines with force of law.
Potus has been outspoken about Congress being in derelict of its duties. Granting its power in exchange for oversight.
Since agencies are empowered by acts of Congress, separation of power issues exist, and this is used to weaken Exec.
Gorsuch and other Constitutionalists will work to end this practice of agencies and return responsibility of management back to congress, where the people have greater control.
It has become a Shadow Gov/DS Federal System and not a National Gov the Constitutional Republic is owed.
Words matter and their is a key distinction of National vs. Federal. Pompeo refers to National, and that in essence is key to restoring the Republic.
Federal = Democracy (rights granted by the State via a plurality/majority)
National = Republic (rights granted by the Constitution, which cannot be removed by the majority)