the theory was that CIA Cl_owns had Super Computers and Satellites controlling bots here but the powerful meme magic of Anons destroyed the supercomputers … Snow White, Seven Dvarves, Corona … they were no match for memes
the theory was that CIA Cl_owns had Super Computers and Satellites controlling bots here but the powerful meme magic of Anons destroyed the supercomputers … Snow White, Seven Dvarves, Corona … they were no match for memes
>interesting. many intersections about the electoral college. this article about POTUS' 14th amendment powers, the sorcha faal article where gore v. bush introduced certain changes into the electroal college counts and dates, and the dealio where some states are giving their electors to the popular vote.
LOL Sorcha Faal is like Benjamin Fulford a fakes news peddler who just pulls shit out off his ass total fabrication …. not even anons should be so naive as to buy that junk