Anonymous ID: f69c95 Sept. 7, 2020, 6:54 a.m. No.10555695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5704 >>5733 >>5778

==Chyna virus election interference/coup==

part 1 of 2

Can you connect the dots?


I have backed further into events that were happening last year before this virus outbreak. Here is some of my research on events that occurred prior to the current virus outbreak.

  • 19 June 2019, CDC investigates reported leaks at the Biosafety Level 4 (BSL 4) Chemical and Biological Weapons Lab at Fort Detrick, MD. ((This lab is referred to as the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)). CDC states that the Army lab failed to "implement and maintain containment procedures sufficient to contain select agents or toxins".

  • 27 June 2019, CDC panel this week backtracked on a 2014 recommendation for all seniors over age 65 to receive Pfizer's pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar 13. Advisory Committee of Immunization Practices (ACIP) now recommends older patients speak with their physicians about whether they should receive Prevnar 13.


  • In July 2019, dangerous and deadly lung illnesses began appearing among vapor's. These reports all started from a handful (or cluster) of cases in two states, Wisconsin and Illiinois. (I believe there were also reports in Minnesota, but I can no longer find it). The outbreak was characterized by severe pneumonia symptoms, shortness of breath, coughing, fever, fatigue, and respiratory failure — sometimes severe enough to require artificial respiration….Does this sound familiar?

  • 12 July 2019, the CDC sent a letter of concern to the lab, followed by a cease and desist letter on 15 July 2019. (Although I remember reported deaths, I can not find any information any more).

  • August 2019, the Fort Detrick lab was closed. (Even though you'll find no mention of it, the lab was working with Corona and other Virus's. Five strains of Corona were being housed there).


Here is a current article on the Fort Detrick lab.


  • August/September 2019, officials report U.S. outbreak of respiratory illnesses were contributed to vaping.

  • 28 September 2019, CDC began tracking this and later the Flu.

  • 18 through 27 October 2019, the Military World Games were held in Wuhan, China. 350 U.S. personnel attended and several competitors became sick from an unknown virus.

  • 18 October 2019 "EVENT 201", The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.


  • November 2019, cases of Corona began being reported in Wuhan, China.

  • 01 December 2019, First confirmed case of Corona reported in Wuhan, China.

  • December 2019, U.S. began proposals on a nation-wide vaping ban, especially fruit flavor's that were attracting children.

  • 02 January 2020, U.S. announces nation-wide ban on some e-cigarette flavor's. Most e-cigarettes and vaping products were being produced in China.


Don't forget the arrest in December 2019 at Boston Logan Airport of a Chinese National smuggling out vials. And on 27 January 2020, Dr. Charles Lieber, Harvard was arrested for lying to investigators over his ties with Wuhan. But, what the news didn't report is Dr. Frank Plummer of Canada and the 2 Chinese doctor's at the Canadian BSL 4 lab that were removed from the lab. On 05 February 2020, Dr. Plummer died of a heart attack in Africa. Nothing to see here, move along…

Anonymous ID: f69c95 Sept. 7, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.10555704   🗄️.is 🔗kun


==Chyna virus election interference/coup==

part 2 of 2


Remember the CDC Epidemiologist Whistle blower, Dr. Timothy Cunningham in Atlanta who was suicided after exposing the Flu vaccine. He was going to blow the whistle on something else and never got the opportunity. And MSM convinced everyone that he committed suicide because he was passed over for a promotion.

The CDC refuses to regulate this industry (1) but instead promotes toxic chemicals, synthetic preservatives, dangerous heavy metal toxins, carcinogens and “adjuvant” still listed as ingredients in vaccines, including mercury (as thimerosal in flu shots), aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde. The CDC has had relationships with Big Business for decades and generations now, if not since the inception itself. These ingredients are in the vaccines your are given.


Figured it out yet? It's glaringly obvious now.


CCP allowed infected citizens to fly out of China around the world. The first US #COVID19 case arrived in Seattle the same day fake articles of impeachment were pushed to Senate following an unexplained multi-week stall.


CCP controls the WHO. Gates controlled our CDC. Early on both WHO and CDC were caught red handed lying to the world and led with proven fraudulent and later retracted studies that halted HCQ trials and access worldwide.


Proven by NIH 15 years ago, HCQ prevents and cures early stage corona infection by piercing the cell, enabling Zinc to enter, and slowing viral replication so our immune systems can wipe it out. Azithromycin is often prescribed to prevent secondary infection. Let that sink in.


We now know less than 10,000 (6%) Americans died of the China Virus alone, which is about 15% of the number who die each year from the flu. Let that sink in.


Doctors were incentivized to class deaths as China Virus via $30,000 for each corona death, resulting in 2.6 co-morbitities for 94% of all corona deaths. Let that sink in.


Shortly after POTUS sidelined the CDC from handling the data, false China Virus positive reporting was exposed all over our country and state retractions started rolling in. Let that sink in.


Overwhelmingly led by 5 Democrat governors now under DOJ investigation for forcing infected elderly back into assisted care facilities against long-standing federal respiratory flu policy, 79.3% of all recorded China Virus deaths were elderly Americans. Let that sink in.


CCP, the WHO, CDC, Democrats, anti Trump scientific community, and the MSDNC, conspired to destroy our economy, inoculate our country through China Virus death and fear, and steal the 2020 election from the People. Let that sink in.


Just like Russia treason, impeachment, Smollett, and Covington, the China Virus, lies and shutdowns were solely political. Except this time they murdered over 160,000 Americans in a desperate attempt to regain control and power over us.


Enemy of the People.

