Not only does it need to stay gone, the remains need to be struck from the dough.
As have I. One isnt you. Go nig in your own channel.
>Assuming this is genesis or ec is a mistake.
It is cute how you attempt to draw your own narrative about what it is that I was saying. I was however very clear. YOU aint one of them, go nig on your own channel.
>keep it up. pretty soon all of the community boards will have their actors outed.
>f88 and c3ebue were only the first ones.
>the only set up that is happening is that the bakers who visit cooms are being set up by smear through association.
>The good bakers already see this. anons see it
>They all also see you taking bait.
Quick quick, get your 'bakers union' keyphrase in there now.
>keep taking the bait. moar info is good info, faggot.
However not all info is good info. AND yours is useless.
>This is why the classes are F&G.
So by your definition, schools are worthless when using you as an example.
Dont I remember a SCOTUS ruling that the results MUST be in on the regular schedule?