Is Potus going to apologize before a tape comes out and put 'losergate' behind him at his presser?
Or will he definitely and finally specifically deny ever having said such a thing?
Is Potus going to apologize before a tape comes out and put 'losergate' behind him at his presser?
Or will he definitely and finally specifically deny ever having said such a thing?
Anons living in fantasyland.
Potus has never specifically denied having said it.
He's talked about everything that he's done for Vets, etc.
Even Bolton said he was not with him that whole day.
And to think that there is not a recording of everything that Potus has said not being on an audiotape is naive.
If he said it, he has to apologize and move forward from there, taking his lumps.
If he doesn't get in front of 'Losergate' before a tape comes out, he's finished.
It's that bad…as is denial.
Jennifer Griffin on fnc:
China has 200 nuclear warheads with a desire to double that amount over the coming decade.
The U.S. has 3800. That's a pretty decent insurance policy given the total isolation of the launch capabilities.
>I don't know how these games are played, but CLEARLY, no presidential elections have EVER seen the opposition release any of their TOP 1,000 worst shells of ammo against their opponents. They have rules as to what they can use, and they keep public awareness of their TRULY darkest deeds concealed, seemingly offering concessions like a "grab 'em by the pussy" moment. Think Illuminati Card Game type rules.
Agreed. Thought for certain hussein's Man Country 'Mr. Tuesday Night' trips would come out in 2012. Not a chance. Mitt is too embedded anyway. Would have been a game changer for hussein within the black community.
Fox is setting up his presser at 1:00 as Potus will be addressing the accusations.
Sorry, Mrs. Assange. Julian went several tokes over the line.
Look at the bright side: he'll get an 'Epstein' after his extradition and be spared from the fun stuff.