Anonymous ID: 40a8f3 April 15, 2018, 4:45 p.m. No.1055764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5787 >>5818 >>5859 >>5948 >>6340 >>6527










Here's the next batch I caught on Friday (during the raid) talking about JFK.


I snipped the portion from the prior message related to GWB. (It seems the JFK response is related to the clues written in the first part of this first message.) Anons have shown that GWHB is directly tied to the Kennedy assassination (pictures etc.) and it would make sense that the intel from the JFK files would most likely implicate Bush Sr.


Also remember, LIBBY was pardoned a few hours before these messages started appearing. My guess is, he is another one on the RED_RED_ FREEDOM LIST Q drop a few months ago and most likely has a ton of intel to share.


I think what we're seeing is the black hats starting to use the board in terms of their communications with POTUS/Q TEAM/WHITE HATS to see their "threats" openly.

Anonymous ID: 40a8f3 April 15, 2018, 4:59 p.m. No.1055948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6027 >>6340 >>6527








Here's the next batch related to OK City (threat)….


The first post came in-between the JFK posts in the prior batch I just posted (>>1055764


Notice the references to OKLAHOMA…also, seems to me like they're referencing the video in the Q drop (raw HRC) when they say, "The Great Reveal". And the reference to "TV series" makes me think of JFK. (In essence, POTUS could become the next "series".)


Then of course, the MAP IS DROPPED about a 1/2 hour later.

Anonymous ID: 40a8f3 April 15, 2018, 5:17 p.m. No.1056340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6380 >>6440 >>6545


>>1055764 (You)

>>1054700 (You)






Next one I noticed was VERY, VERY TELLING.


War>CIA>IRAN is obvious. I think the first highlighted letters in the [KILL BOX] [F] [l] refer to Florida - Parkland. The (B) could be linked to [F] as well and reference FaceBook (not completely "killed").


Then again, talking about the HRC video and thinking the PBS (Public Broadcasting System) notation may be tied to "public education" reference in the next line, which also ties to the Fl Parkland shooting.


Possible threat to do it again using MKUltra technology (as referenced in the last line) once more.