Anonymous ID: 4d770c April 15, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.1056788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some of the older people (myself included) have been voting since the days of Jimmy Carter and Ronald R. We are just sick and tired of seeing us biting at every tid-bit put in front of us. History repeats itself, and those who refuse to learn from history are bound to repeat it - George Santayana. We've been down this rabbit hole so many times because the average American has the attention span of a gnat. I don't know if you are old enough to had voted in the George HW Bush election, but we have been in perpetual wars since this sinister man and family entered into the white house. 9/11 was a false flag. Did you vote for George W? Then we had Hope & Change Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Another loser. I am retired from law enforcement, and we did not prosecute until the investigation was finished. 30 days it took for us to bomb the hell out of Afghanistan in 2001. 2003, Iraq had weapons of mass destruction… not! Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, Oklahoma City, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Watergate's connection to the JFK assassination, Iran/Contra, etc. We've lived through all these. I am not saying one side is guilty or incident. But I do have a serious question… Son, how do you know an attack actually took place? How do you know this was not an elaborate ruse? You don't, until the investigation is finished. We've seen well-trained street performers before. A vast majority of what we are told to believe is just an illusion.


Bombing before all the facts are considered is EXACTLY how the Afghanistan and Iraq wars started. Bomb first, ask questions later. Did you know, in 2006, the director of the FBI was asked why the 9/11 attack was NOT listed on Osama Bin Laden's "10-Most-Wanted" warrant? His reply, "There is not enough evidence to connect him to the crime." WHAT!?!?! The Taliban asked for evidence before handing Bin Laden over. C. Rice and C. Powell both stated the evidence was coming. It NEVER DID! Instead, we started bombing the crap out of Afghanistan within 30 days. Patience is a virtue. The only "Rush to Judgement" that has ever been worth its weight is the film produced by Mark Lane.