Super V
Indian cartoon? "Super V is an Indian animated television series loosely based on Virat Kohli by Harman Baweja for Star India. It was launched on multiple Star and Disney India's channels from November 5, 2019."
Economic Recovery? "Trump touted a super-V shaped economic recovery on Tuesday, even as many economists say its slowing down instead.
"You look at the V, now I think it's a super-V," he said."
Other ideas:
The Super V-2 was a planned intermediate-range ballistic missile designed in France in 1946-47. It was the creation of German engineers who had worked on the original V-2 rocket.Four variants, with a range of up to 3,600 kilometres (2,200 mi) and capable of carrying warheads of up to 1,000 kilograms (2,200 lb), were envisaged.
Hydro-Defend® Super V™ Water Repellent - H&C® Concrete
Super = 5 letters V = 5 5:5
Vaccine? a super vaccine that "releases the cures?" Pineal gland fix?
guessing a cigar is just a cigar here.