Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.10558473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8521 >>8522 >>8525 >>8537 >>8550 >>8553 >>8561 >>8562 >>8567 >>8597 >>8605 >>8639 >>8653 >>8666 >>8693 >>8850 >>9131 >>9212 >>9259


Mike Rothschild


One of the QAnon newsletters I get implores followers not to embrace vigilantism and trust Q and Trump to get rid of the bad people.


The question of what to do when Q and Trump don't get rid of the bad people isn't asked.


Shitbag pushing unrest

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.10558495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8850 >>9131 >>9212 >>9259

Battleground States May See Unprecedented Amounts Of Absentee Ballot Rejections


Up to three times as many voters in battleground states could have their votes discarded compared to 2016 if states reject absentee ballots at the same rate as the 2020 primaries, The Associated Press reported.


Millions of voters plan to vote by mail amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and postal delays have been reported across the country, according to AP. Rejection rates could be even more pronounced in urban areas where ballot rejection rates have been higher throughout the 2020 cycle.


“It is the number one thing that keeps me up at night – the idea that voters will do everything they can to ensure their ballot is returned on time and the system will fail them,” Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”


Of the over 2.5 million ballots cast in Michigan’s August primary, approximately 10,000 absentee ballots were rejected, according to the Secretary of State. Over 60% of those rejected did not arrive in time to be tallied or were rejected due to a missing or non-matching signature, state data shows.


The influx of absentee ballots could also delay results in some states, risking the results being contested or widely disbelieved, AP reported. President Donald Trump has said that mail-in ballots will lead to the “most corrupt election” in the country’s history.


In Pennsylvania, another swing state, as many as 43,000 absentee ballots could be rejected compared to 2,100 in 2016, according to AP. Trump won the state by just over 43,000 votes four years ago.


In seven battleground states, including Michigan and Pennsylvania, between 185,000 and nearly 300,000 absentee ballots could be discarded if the rejection rate remains the same as it was in the primaries and voter turn out matches 2016, the AP reported.

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.10558504   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CDC Said there Have Been More Suicides Than Death by COVID-19


The Director of the CDC has come out and bluntly stated that there have been far more deaths from suicides and drug overdoses than from COVID-19. The leftist media will no doubt claim the CDC is wrong. The social media firms will scrub any mention that this COVID has been a hoax. These people from Jeff Zucker the head of CNN to Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum are allegedly responsible for the rising death toll from destroying everyone’s future. These two individuals have allegedly been responsible for more deaths than COVID-19. Zucker because he personally hates Trump and is a disgrace to CNN while Schwab is the typical academic fool who has never left his ivory tower to see how the real-world functions. Schwab prefers his theory of stakeholder responsibility where corporations owe no allegiance to their shareholders – something the Big Techs seem to have adopted.


Unemployment globally has now exceeded 300 million people. In the United States, most people lose their jobs and they also lose their healthcare. None of these Marxist media organizations from the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN who lead the way, will ever take responsibility nor will they ever stop in their attempt to constantly destroy the economy on the hopes that no president is reelected during an economic decline – i.e. Herbert Hoover or George Bush.


Everyone should write to the Attorney General and demand a criminal investigation into Zucker, Gates, Soros, Schwab, and of course Fauci. These people may have far more blood on their hands than anyone knows on a global scale. You cannot sit as an academic and create their utopian world of a New Green World Order and this Global Reset discounting all the people who have lost everything as necessary collateral damage. Proof of their arrogance is that they will never admit a mistake or report the truth.

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 1 p.m. No.10558516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8583 >>8850 >>9131 >>9212 >>9259

U.S. Marshals rescue 8 missing children in Indiana during "Operation Homecoming"


Eight missing children were rescued in a five-day rescue operation in the Indianapolis area and one person was arrested on charges including parental kidnapping, federal authorities said in a press release. The U.S. Marshals have now announced the rescue of 72 missing children in three states over the past week.


The children are between 6 to 17 years old in what's been called "Operation Homecoming," according to the U.S. Marshals Service's Southern District of Indiana.


Authorities said the children are "considered to be some of the most at-risk and challenging recovery cases in the area."


The arrested adult was also charged with possession of weapons and intimidation.


The children were turned over to the Indiana Department of Child Services.


Federal authorities worked with groups including Indianapolis police and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.


"The Marshals are committed to assisting state and local agencies with locating and recovering endangered missing children to help prevent their falling victim to crimes of violence and exploitation," said Dan McClain, U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of Indiana. "The message that we wish to convey to the missing children and their families is that we will use every resource at our disposal to find you."


No further details about the children or the circumstances were released.


Last week, the U.S. Marshals Service said it found 39 missing children in Georgia during "Operation Not Forgotten." The operation led to the rescue of 26 children and the safe location of 13 others.


Authorities also said last week that 25 missing and endangered children in Ohio were recovered in a 20-day mission called "Operation Safety Net."

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.10558539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Antiracist Baby' causes an uproar on social media as it encourages babies and toddlers to confess to their inherent racism


What in the heck?


"Antiracist Baby" — a children's book designed to help parents and their young babies fight racism — is stirring up all sorts of responses on the internet, as well as on social media.


Just last week, NPR placed the book — which is geared for newborns to children age 3 years old — on its 100 favorite books for young readers.

What are the details?


The book, written by No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Ibram X. Kendi, was released in June.


Kendi wrote the book, according to reports, to help "empower parents and children to uproot racism in our society and in ourselves."


That feat, according to Kendi — who is also director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University in Washington, D.C. — is apparently only possible through raising "antiracist" babies.


According to The Caldron Pool, the book lays out nine steps from which parents can base raising an ethical and inclusivity-seeking child.


The book ensures that if parents follow the rules step by step, it will help to "improve equity, such as opening our eyes to all skin colors and celebrating all our differences."


Such steps include calling out racism when it's seen, and confessing to inherent racism as babies and toddlers.


The book uses friendly looking cartoon graphics, depicting demonstrators with signs that read things like "Black Lives Matter" and "Equity now!" and more.


The book, according to The Federalist, opens with the following passage:


Antiracist Baby is bred not born.

Antiracist Baby is raised to make society transform.


A portion of the book reads, "Nothing disrupts racism more than when we confess the racist ideas that we sometimes express."

Anything else?


The book also touches upon privilege.


"Some people get more, while others get less … because policies don't always grand equal access," the book goes on to explain.


One Amazon reviewer writes, "This book is complete garbage, and merely pushes his anti-intellectual binary claim that everyone is either a 'racist or non-racist,' again catering to the market of spineless, 'woke,' white, self-flagellating liberals who have bought into his nonsense so they can be redeemed. A mere pile of tripe that seeks to indoctrinate infants into the same mind-numbingly stupid ideology of 'wokeness.'"


Another adds, "The concepts in this book are just as prejudice [sic] as what it claims to be against. The diction in this book is hardly suitable for children and preach radical ideologies."


On Twitter, one user wrote, "Racist babies that need to confess their Racism?? Repeat all that out loud and really listen to it. THIS WORLD HAS LOST ITS DAMN MIND!!!"



'We're either being racist or antiracist'


In a July interview with the Harvard Gazette, Kendi said that there's no such thing as "not racist" — people are either "racist or antiracist."


“The heartbeat of racism itself has always been denial, and the sound of that heartbeat has always been 'I'm not racist,'" Kendi said. "What I am trying to do with my work is to really get Americans to eliminate the concept of 'not racist' from their vocabulary and realize, we're either being racist or antiracist."

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.10558593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8602 >>8694

Russians Don't Do Nursing Homes - Abhor the Idea


The vast majority of Russians insist parents should be cared for by their children - at all costs. Only in rare cases would this occur, i.e. no kids…


In America, we have been brought up to consider nursing homes inevitable, like winters in New York. You live your life, as brightly, as vividly as you can, stretching the seams to make youth last as long as possible. But once you are old and gray and senile, you do the right thing and make way for the young.


You’ve had your fun, now let them have theirs. No modern person has time to waste and naturally, everybody hates “leeches.” So you quietly make your way to the nursing home, not ‘wanting to be a burden to anybody’


Yes, usually it’s horrible, terrifying, lonely. The sense that there is nothing waiting for you, except maybe checkers and visits. And Death. But it’s just the way things are. Everyone is accepting of the common tragedy.


On one of my first visits to Russia, I was talking to a single mother who struggled to support two kids in Moscow. She was also taking care of her senile, sick, and rather difficult father.


I asked her whether she had considered giving him to a nursing home or at least hiring someone to help her take care of him for a small sum.


She, genuinely horrified, said “How? How can I give my Dad away? For some other stranger to change his sheets?”


I remembered her every time I asked Russians about old age and retirement homes. Most of them seemed repulsed by the idea. I then started looking up forums online to see whether it was just people in my circle. Nope. Online, even private nursing homes publicly mourn Russians’ inability to understand the convenience and humanity of nursing homes.


Predominantly, Russians really believe that sending parents to a nursing home is wrong and ungrateful and downright shameful.


Of course, part of this comes from the fact that in Russia, most nursing homes present a deplorable picture. But that’s not the whole story.


Surely if the society believed that this was something they were convinced was necessary, better and more nursing houses would appear to meet the demand.


The fact remains that the people in Russian nursing homes are usually either people without relatives or parents who have cut all ties with their children. Polls in Russia suggest that exponentially more people intend to keep their aging parents at home.


And while Americans tend to use rational and practical language to explain the nursing home phenomenon, Russians will often use emotional and ethical language on the question, using words such as “duty” “love” and “right thing” … rather old-fashioned explanations in our day.


Nursing homes are designed to medically destroy the mind of the resident so they can't pass on knowledge and keep them alive long enough to fleece their wealth so their children get no inheritance

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.10558624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8681 >>8850 >>9131 >>9212 >>9259

Australia 'resembling North Korean dictatorship'


The next questioner asked whether the government had gone too far with its coronavirus restrictions, "with Australia essentially resembling a North Korean style dictatorship rather than a democracy".


"Kristina Keneally, is it unfair to describe Australia like a North Korean dictatorship?" host Hamish Macdonald asked.


"I can understand, particularly for Melbourne right now who are doing it tough, it is oppressive," she said.


"We have all been saying it, but it needs to be said again – our hearts go out for them, for the situation they're in.


"I don't think it is a fair comparison, no. It's not a valid comparison."


Australian Medical Association President Omar Khorshid stuck up for the tough rules.


"It is clear what the strategy is, even though it hasn't been communicated well to Australians. The strategy is suppress and eliminate the virus, get our economy as normal as possible, and hope and pray for a vaccine quickly," Dr Khorshid said.


"Whilst none of our politicians are willing to say it, that is what we have been doing.


"These rules, which do seem oppressive at times – if you look at the lens, where it's been effective, it works, and has delivered the best health outcomes in the world, and the smallest impact on our economy compared with most other countries.


"While it is tough, it is difficult, and there is a lot of Australians who have been negatively affected, when you look at the alternative, which is European-style, tens of thousands of vulnerable people dying and huge economic losses – I think we're doing pretty well here."

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.10558671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8695 >>8739

Spoiled rich kids are driving ‘BLM’ rampages and are never held accountable for their behavior – just like the cops they revile


Many were shocked when a wealthy young woman was charged after a Black Lives Matter riot in NYC. But that wealth means she won’t have to answer for her behavior – not unlike the murderous cops she’s supposedly protesting.


Those born into wealth often grow up without ever being disciplined for their misdeeds, coddled by nannies and guilty parents and handled with kid gloves by local authorities when their transgressions can no longer be covered up. Clara Kraebber, the 20-year-old charged with first-degree rioting over the weekend after she was part of a group of eight accused of causing $100,000-worth of damage in lower Manhattan, fits the profile to a T.


Ironically, her sense of invulnerability mirrors that of the cops who killed George Floyd, Eric Garner, Daniel Shaver and every other unarmed person who’s died at the hands of police confident they’ll go unpunished for their crime. The ‘bad apples’ of the police force know they can take out their frustrations on the local population because prosecutors are unwilling to alienate law enforcement, lest they never be able to get another conviction.


But why would someone like Kraebber run around with black-bloc Antifa types intent on destroying property? She’s a college student home from Rice University, which like most schools shut down in the spring due to the pandemic. She’s likely bored out of her mind, being denied the usual 20-year-old’s entertainments of underage drinking and partying.


And she’s been protesting for years: media coverage of her latest legal troubles revealed she was at an NYC march for Ferguson shooting victim Michael Brown at the tender age of 14 and has been seeking out more radical groups ever since.


Kraebber, whose parents own not just a $1.8 million Upper East Side penthouse but also a four-fireplace mansion in the Connecticut suburbs, doesn’t have to worry about the “don’t s*** where you eat” directive that keeps pissed-off urban residents and small-town cops alike from unleashing their darker urges on their home streets.


The New York Post quoted several small business owners who, while they were sympathetic with BLM’s message, found their approach – as seen on Friday night in Manhattan’s window-smashing rampage – counterproductive. The viewpoint is one many New Yorkers who’ve been on the wrong end of the NYPD tend to agree with.


But like those same abusive NYPD officers, many of whom call the Long Island suburbs or the far reaches of Staten Island home, Kraebber can retreat to the safety of her family’s Litchfield County mansion at any time – and, indeed, had already done so when she was contacted by the Post, which called to ask about her arrest on Saturday. She doesn’t have to deal with the fallout of her actions in the overcrowded, pandemic-panicked city.

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 1:21 p.m. No.10558680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If we gave our children the poison that is in vaccines


We would have our children taken from us for child abuse!

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.10558688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8850 >>8989 >>9131 >>9212 >>9259

Sam Barnett's bank accounts frozen as Perth family sue entrepreneur for $800,000


Entrepreneur Sam Barnett —the son of former Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett— has had his assets and a bank account frozen by order of the Supreme Court.


Mr Barnett is currently in a dispute with several investors, after he spruiked a property development plan in Peppermint Grove that fell apart before even getting off the ground.


One Perth family is suing the colourful socialite, claiming they are owed $800,000 and have subpoenaed an ANZ bank account where the money was deposited.

That account is now frozen and, according to the court order, Mr Barnett can only access $600 per week for living expenses.

The 30-year-old, who recently fooled some media organisations into believing he had purchased two tigers from the notorious American "Tiger King" zoo once owned by Joe Exotic, is currently renting a $3 million house in Peppermint Grove.


His lawyer, Greg Maher, said Mr Barnett's latest legal issues will be resolved.

"The money loaned by the family will be repaid to them shortly, subject to the removal of the freezing orders," Mr Maher said in a statement.


"My client maintains the freezing orders were premature but, in any event, my client is finalising an agreement to return the funds and have the freezing orders removed shortly."

Mr Barnett has been dogged by legal issues, including a plea of guilty for smashing the laptop of his then-girlfriend at a Gold Coast hotel four years ago.


Mr Maher said Mr Barnett has taken his own legal proceedings against an investor involved in the Peppermint Grove proposal.

The plan was to buy 19 office units in the Johnston Street building and redevelop the complex.


Mr Maher said his office had "received communications from the owner of five units in the complex and my client maintains his understanding that other units in the complex were mere formalities."

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 1:31 p.m. No.10558736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8991

Trump Takes Aim at Marxist Propaganda Behind the BLM Riots


On Friday, President Donald Trump ordered that federal agencies cease leading any training sessions that push “critical race theory,” “white privilege,” or any other “propaganda effort” teaching that either the United States or any race is inherently racist or evil. On Sunday, he announced that the Department of Education (DOE) is investigating schools that teach The New York Times‘ “1619 Project” and warned that any school doing so “will not be funded.”


Trump is pushing back against the rising tide of Marxist critical theory. This noxious ideology, championed in the 1619 Project and in the “anti-racism” movement supporting the official Marxist Black Lives Matter organization, has inspired much of the violent looting, rioting, and arson in cities across America this summer. Indeed, some have referred to the riots as “the 1619 riots” for this reason.

Trump’s assault on Marxist critical theory


On Friday, Russell Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), sent a memo to the heads of executive departments and agencies, ordering them to cease using curricula based on Marxist critical theory for their employee trainings.


“It has come to the President’s attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date ‘training’ government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda,” Vought wrote. The OMB director seems to have been referring to the 1,483 pages of Department of Defense (DOD) training materials Judicial Watch unearthed in July. An April 2015 training, for instance, branded the idea that “individual effort is key to success” as a form of “Racist Behavior.”


Vought referenced training sessions that teach that “virtually all White people contribute to racism” and others claiming that “there is racism embedded in the belief that America is the land of opportunity or the belief that the most qualified person should receive a job.”


“These types of ‘trainings’ not only run counter to the fundamental beliefs for which our Nation has stood since its inception, but they also engender division and resentment within the Federal workforce,” Vought wrote. “The President has directed me to ensure that Federal agencies cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American prpaganda training sessions.”


While OMB will issue more detailed guidance in the future, Vought instructed federal agencies to “identify all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on ‘critical race theory,’ ‘white privilege,’ or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.” Federal agencies should find ways to divert federal funds away from these sessions.


“The divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement is contrary to all we stand for as Americans and should have no place in the Federal government,” Vought concluded.


On Sunday, President Trump also brought a similar strategy to the Department of Education (DOE). He responded to someone warning that California schools have started teaching from the 1619 Project, which claims that America’s true founding came not with the Declaration of Independence in 1776 but with the arrival of the first black slaves in 1619.

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 1:37 p.m. No.10558776   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PM slams opposition leaders calling to disregard virus rules


Touring army’s contact tracing program, Netanyahu says experts concerned about potential spike in serious cases and deaths, claims protestors are turning off phones to avoid contact tracing


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lambasted opposition leaders on Monday and claimed they are “leading to anarchy” following several calls by lawmakers to not adhere to government instructions regarding the spread of coronavirus.


“Unfortunately, politicians are exploiting the situation for political capital by calling not to follow the instructions,” Netanyahu said during a visit to the IDF Home Front Command headquarters tasked with managing the pandemic.


“Dangerous and irresponsible statements by public representatives could lead to disobedience to Health Ministry and Israel Police instructions - and as a result, to a loss of lives,” the premier wrote in a letter sent to lawmakers Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid, Ayman Odeh and Avigdor Liberman, according to outlet Haaretz.

After the expected night-time curfew on 40 cities and communities was delayed to Tuesday, Netanyahu stated that the government “wants to avoid a [nationwide] lockdown, until the end of the week, we’ll formulate a plan for the holidays.”


Netanyahu warned that the morbidity rate is high and possibly increasing.

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.10558845   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coalition Urges D.C. Archbishop to Address Democrats’ ‘Catholic Problem’


The Catholic Coalition Against Religious Tests for Office has written to Washington, DC Archbishop Wilton Gregory urging him to publicly address the anti-Catholic bigotry of the leadership of the Democratic Party.


Citing the repeated harassment of Catholic appointees to public office by leading Senate Democrats, the fourteen Democratic state attorney generals who are “maliciously persecuting” the Little Sisters of the Poor, and the radical abortion agenda of the party platform, the Catholic Coalition appeals to Archbishop Gregory to speak out for the Church.


“Clearly, one of America’s two major political parties is now targeting Catholics and their Church. History will record whether America’s Catholic hierarchy was brave enough to speak out in defense of the faith,” states the letter, a copy of which was obtained by Breitbart News.


The letter, signed by Catholic Coalition president Ed Martin, makes reference to Archbishop Gregory’s vocal criticism of President Trump last summer after the president visited a shrine to Saint Pope John Paul II.


In defending his censure of Mr. Trump against critics who said he was acting in a “blatantly partisan” way, the archbishop compared his actions to the clergy who were active during the civil rights movement of the 1960s.


“They are reminiscent of the criticisms that people gave to Catholic priests and nuns they saw marching during the civil rights period,” the archbishop said, while insisting that the Church and her pastors must be present in society, “beyond the four walls” of the church building.


In Monday’s letter, the Catholic Coalition notes that at the time the archbishop also said he had a duty to preach the Gospel to both sides of the political aisle. “Today, I am asking you to make good on that promise. I am asking you to address openly and publicly the ‘Catholic Problem’ of the leadership of the Democratic Party,” Martin writes.


Particularly disturbing is that one of the most egregious examples of overt anti-Catholicism in Democrat leadership comes from the vice-presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, Martin observes.


Enclosed with the letter to the archbishop are several news reports including one from April 2019 in the Washington Examiner decrying Senator Harris’ actions in grilling a judicial appointee over his Catholic beliefs.


In December 2018, Sen. Kamala Harris “suggested attorney Brian Buescher is unfit to serve as a federal judge on account of his membership in an ‘extreme’ Catholic organization: the Knights of Columbus,” the article notes.

Anonymous ID: 069830 Sept. 7, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.10558851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9131 >>9212 >>9259

U.S. Breaks Fentanyl, Meth Seizure Records at Border amid Pandemic


On Friday, September 4, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan held his monthly operational update with the media from Laredo, Texas. The August statistics marked the highest to date for Fiscal Year 2020 in the category methamphetamine seizures.


Throughout FY2020, Breitbart Texas extensively monitored ports of entry seizure data as they are the best indicator to understand the output of Mexican cartel clandestine laboratories.


In August, 23,452 pounds of methamphetamine were seized at the ports of entry by CBP, which year-to-date puts totals at 141,663 — more than double the record year set in FY2019 at 68,585 pounds.


There has also been a dramatic increase in fentanyl seizures in the later part of FY2020. While the fiscal year still has one month left, CBP already seized a record 3,302 pounds at ports. The prior record year was marked in FY2019 at 2,545 pounds.


There are several reasons why controlled substances like fentanyl and methamphetamine should be monitored closely. The harm caused to the abusing individual is significant. It is well-documented that when these drugs are continually used, other local index crimes rise in a community.


Another is in the ability to weaponize fentanyl. This has become a national security concern in recent years as use has been on the rise throughout the United States.


“Speed balling” or “poly-using” these drugs in a combination has also increased, according to the DEA 2019 annual threat assessment.


In the 2019 report, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is referenced showing a 47 percent increase in synthetic opioid-involved deaths from 19,413 in 2016 to 28,466 in 2017.


In 2019, the CDC measured the highest levels in overdoses overall since 2015 nearing 71,000.


It should be noted these vast seizure numbers do not include shipments that crossed into the U.S. undetected.