wut becomes moar apparent each and every day is msdnc and its guests, kristoff in this case, ..is thar relentless nonstop idiotic drive home a point- as if jdif was thar slave olverlard, repeating the same drivel and un-spontaneous non original copy and mimic anyting everyting cool and act the kook as if u came up with the shit or repeating the same shit over like it will be true if u ses if enuf, u know like big swinging mike is not a tranny
he could do a faceplant into his soup or cake and the media would gin up sum story about how orange man bad caused all the deaths since WW2 - 6 gropermillion. hilldawg in the wings yall jus holla
guise โ gonna start pushing the vaccines
and therapeutics
because i luv watching the shedding of the nightly sky
the loser drip fro the belly of the dragon
leak like a sleeve u peeve
and cry
cuse cuse, ex cuse me - but cis gender thar goes by drFRAUD arounds here
uh huh - tim cook sucks nigger cock and he tinks this shit flies around heres โ go back to stetler hall moniter and jonitor
uh huh - tim cook sucks nigger cock and he tinks this shit flies around heres โ go back to stetler hall moniter and jonitor suck geraldo pcp trannie ed buck apologetic
uh huh - tim cook sucks nigger cock and he tinks this shit flies around heres โ go back to stetler hall moniter and jonitor suck geraldo pcp trannie ed buck apologetic crook thief and liar paulie boi whore toi soroi adulteress and jezebel awhore&witch babykiller satan worshipper trafficker heels up 2020