>>10558435 (lb)
Correct, every body breaks down and dies, problem is, most everyone is deceived. For example, God told Adam and Eve they'd die if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil …they ate…did they die? Did they die immediately? Yes, they did. They died the worst death possible…they died spiritually, they lost their relationship with God, then, they began to die physically.
Check out the info, can't be refuted, it IS absolute Truth. The absolute Truth is, that "God Is"! God is God…and we're not! Therefore, "ALL" is on His terms! You don't like it? Your choice, however, I implore you to understand Him before you reject Him! He paid a price that is beyond human comprehension so that you could "LIVE" with Him for Eternity! Btw, pitch religion…it doesn't work and won't save you!