The letter that is on their mind is
memes are free speech
they are under indivdual control
a claim to be the 'on in charge of them' is a bit of a rant of a megalomaniac.
Elon, you are you, and I am me and we might be together in this universe, but you really don't share anything. you just take and point.
Oh, I'm being unfair.
Elon, the meme is free.
you wouldn't doubt that?
why is that even part of whay you say?
as horrid as Apple is, and their original software being 'throw away' after a time, and replaced by Free BSD, which is supposed to be free . . .
I think what you say is unfair.
sauce it or shuttie
what you say is that mind makes matter through thought and effort.
the meme is a code for a purpose of thought.
we all have that, and no one 'controls it' except for our Creator.
that's it, it goes back to the One who meme'd the stars.
hows that for a shitpost?
"The One who Memed the Sun and other Stars" Dante Alighieri
(a loose modern translation)
I am not a translator.
my point: my other thought derives from the recent exposure to Dante's great masterworks.
your meme is a form of elder abuse.
please forgive me for thinking in a most cynical way, and I don't want to believe it but . . . the perliferation of bike lanes is rather . . . cover the kiddies ears . . . fresh meat for the organ donor industry.
your meme is derivative
in the genre that it's in it's a quick turn around.
I don't like the ass-crack as a subject of a meme, but there it is.
I would have put a blanket around Mr. Biden.
Treat people in memes the way that you would really treat them if you came upon them actually like that . . . when you do a derivative of a meme that disrespects people.
Maybe I was talking about someone who writes code his whole life in the Perl programming langauge.
Oh, language badger, you always pretend to care!
Chicken Little
I thought of a new game: try to spell a word wrong as many different times as you can in one post.
to my credit I did spell it correctly earlier in that same post.
Shakespeare was a hero of mine and I don't really care if I get it spelled correctly in the first draft.
they just look like ordinary people in a bad place who have to deal with sudden awareness that they need to change.
they look alive and ready for growth, and maybe ready to listen, and they will wake right up.
Maybe the General was surfing one day . . . and saw some people with shovels off in a dune somewhere . . .
Imagine if Anderson had gone a different route and was a police officer . . . would he have changed his name to
Anderson Copper?
There is a pro-lifer-ation due to the proliferation of the conservativization of America, and the world at large.