Anonymous ID: 0d816f Sept. 7, 2020, 3:47 p.m. No.10559866   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why is there a RED pill container

And a BLUE pill container?

Is this theUNIVERSAL cure?


Because of being invited into Syria to help defend the country

Russia has been working on a vaccine for a Middle East disease

Called MERS that is caused by a strain of Coronavirus

When COVID came along, they realized that if they sequenced the RNA from SARS-CoV-2

And spliced it into their vaccine for MERS

Then they would have a COVID vaccine very quickly

So that is what they did.

Sputnik-V is a MERS vaccine with some genetic changes spliced in

So that it recognizes those COVID spike proteins

That attack ACE2 receptors.


As for me, I'm taking an ACE inhibitor for blood pressure

So my body has fewer active ACE2 receptors to be attacked

In Wuhan, they found that ACE inhibitors gave people an extra few days by slowing the progression of COVID

And in some people that was enough for their immune systems to ramp up.


It's a fascinating subject.

Project Warpspeed has at least 3 different technical types of vaccines under development