Anonymous ID: ecce92 Sept. 7, 2020, 3:21 p.m. No.10559651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9669 >>9672 >>9681 >>9693

Digital warriors ammo - meme tool memes dump

Here’s some ammo for (aspiring) digital warriors.

Will be posting memes to help red-pilling newbies and normies and countering the fakenews narrative.


Please help spread the message

Q told us that it is much harder to censor memes.

Therefore, please make memes that have tips, tricks and links on them, in stead of posting a link into the body of your social media post. (Make link url shorter with tinyurl if you have to).

Please help spread and create these memes.

We will be posting lots of these memes, on all kinds of important subjects.

Please bring the message to millions.

Looking forward to memefags creating moar.


Topic ideas for memetools:

  • countering fakenews

  • where to read real news

  • voting

  • who is Q

  • where to read the Q drops

  • social media skills

  • why memes are important

  • how to make memes

  • how to use hashtags

(Etc. Etc)

Thank you.