Anonymous ID: 6fc636 Sept. 7, 2020, 5:32 p.m. No.10560670   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dont worry. Its not..

Clearly is QUEEN bin laden. Hence the chess references thats ABSOLUTELY reference to kasparov vs Karpov cxd1=Q+

Promotion of pawn to queen was move 24

After start thats [23] (pain)


And we know bin ladens have been see eye ayy pawns (assets) for a while now. Notice theres always the qmap links but rarely, IF EVER

a straight link to the main board?


So while someone/group may be "q" (global assets not just internal in essay etc) we always speculate q+ as potus but whether or not is moor idrk just spitballing (suggested hillary for similar reason and she would ha e dirt on everyone and everything ghwb and up) but not being potus in any way makes that plausible deniability absolute instead of semi accurate speculation (or otherwise… necessary misinformation)