Anonymous ID: 8b6e5a Sept. 7, 2020, 4:17 p.m. No.10560143   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0284 >>0340



Peace Officers are supposed to keep the peace!!!

Not act like violent maniacs playing soldier games!

Shooting a suspect is human rights abuse and this maniac should be fired and have ALL HIS POSSESSIONS TAKEN AWAY and given to the family of his victims. All of them, even the clothes on his back!

Anonymous ID: 8b6e5a Sept. 7, 2020, 4:33 p.m. No.10560268   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0296

Advanced Artificial Intelligence Systems and Ilhan Omar—with Yaacov Apelbaum


A new investigative tool has been developed that has the potential of exploiting biometric facial recognition (FR) and massive imagery data bases using Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to aid law enforcement organizations and prosecutors in both international and domestic criminal cases. These advanced FR and AI techniques have penetrated and documented evidence of African criminal financial alliances illegally extracting millions from hapless victims in so-called Military Romance scams. Further, these advanced techniques may enhance NGO complaints filed with the Congressional Ethics Office requesting investigation of controversial criminal violation allegations against Minnesota US Representative Ilhan Omar. Ms. Omar, a Somali refugee who came to this country as an asylee in 1995 at the age of 12, was first elected as a Minnesota State Representative in 2016, then moved up to be elected to the 5th Minnesota Congressional District in 2018, all while she was questioned about possible perjury about an alleged marriage and divorce of a brother in the UK, Ahmed Elmi, while married to the father of her three children, Ahmed Hirsi.


Separate investigations by Preya Samsundar, formerly of AlphaNewsMN, Scott Johnson of Powerline, David Bernstein of PJ Media and the editorial board of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, have raised significant questions regarding these allegations. That prompted Washington, DC-based NGO, Judicial Watch (JW) on July 23, 2019 to file a complaint with David Skaggs, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics. The compliant called “for a full investigation into potential crimes tied to allegations that Omar may have married her biological brother.” The JW Complaint noted:


The evidence developed against Rep. Omar was the result of a three-year-long investigation in both the United States and the United Kingdom by Mr. Steinberg and his investigative reporter colleagues Preya Samsundar and Scott Johnson. It is supported by information gathered from public records, social media postings, genealogy databases, computer forensic analysis, unaltered digital photographs, discussions between the investigative reporters and the subjects of the investigation themselves, and information supplied by confidential sources within the Somali-American community.


This is notwithstanding Ms. Omar’s virulent support for anti-Israel BDS. Her accusations have been roundly castigated in a rare bipartisan vote on an anti-BDS resolution by her Democratic and Republican Congressional colleagues. HBO Real Time host Bill Maher derided Ms. Omar’s BDS support as akin to “a bullshit purity test” amounting to delegitimization of the Jewish nation. Ms. Omar has spoken at fundraisers for acknowledged Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas front, Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), suggesting that “Muslims should raise hell.” Ms. Omar, who with her Congressional colleague, Ms. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan’s 13th CD, rejected an offer to visit Israel along with 71 Democratic and Republican colleagues in August 2019. Instead they opted to accept the itinerary of a Palestinian NGO, Miftah, to visit Palestinian Authority officials, far left Israeli groups, communities in the West Bank, US Embassy officials and Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. Miftah was found to have supported known Palestinian terrorists. While invited by Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer to travel to Israel; ultimately, the controversy came to halt with the decision by Prime Minister Netanyahu to bar their entry because it would be “damaging.” Ms. Tlaib then separately appealed on humanitarian grounds in a letter to Israel’s interior minister to be admitted to visit her grandmother in the West Bank; only to reject the offer. She then traveled to the Minnesota State capital on August 19, 2019 to join with Ms. Omar in a press conference rebuking Israel for treatment of Palestinians and restrictions that prevented them from traveling there.

Anonymous ID: 8b6e5a Sept. 7, 2020, 5:01 p.m. No.10560425   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0606 >>0712

Soros Invested Heavily in Chinese Biotech Research Company with Facility in Wuhan that Researches Respiratory Models and Infectious Disease


Documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2011 show Soros Fund Management LLC invested heavily into WUXI Pharmatech Caymen, Inc.


WuXi AppTec, as it is now called, has a facility in Wuhan, China. The company provides validated research including in vitro (HTS, SAR screening support) and in vivo disease models in cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic and infectious diseases.