Anonymous ID: 9409db Sept. 7, 2020, 4:17 p.m. No.10560147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0175 >>0179 >>0255 >>0349 >>0366 >>0430 >>0606 >>0712

I haven't seen much discussion on this subject on this board, but in light of the recent peace agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia, and Rick Grenell's blistering indictment of fake journos, I thought I might suggest that the was really telling us that they are cleaning up Bill Clinton's mess, 'intentional mess' most likely to kidnap kids and harvest organs probably steal from their mines resources.


Rick Grenell - Serbia - 21 years ago - Bill Clinton - Indictment & maybe organ harvesting?: Is Rick Grenell telling us that Fakenews is covering for Bill Clinton


–Grenell rips journalists for not focusing on Kosovo, Serbia deal: ‘I don't know if you can find it on a map’==



JUNE 30, 2020 - Bill Clinton’s Serbian War Atrocities Exposed in New Indictment




President Bill Clinton’s favorite freedom fighter just got indicted for mass murder, torture, kidnapping, and other crimes against humanity. In 1999, the Clinton administration launched a 78-day bombing campaign that killed up to 1500 civilians in Serbia and Kosovo in what the American media proudly portrayed as a crusade against ethnic bias. That war, like most of the pretenses of U.S. foreign policy, was always a sham.


Kosovo president Hashim Thaci was charged with ten counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity by an international tribunal in The Hague in the Netherlands charged Thaci and nine other men with a “war crimes, including murder, enforced disappearance of persons, persecution, and torture.” Thaci and the other charged suspects were accused of being “criminally responsible for nearly 100 murders” and the indictment involved “hundreds of known victims of Kosovo Albanian, Serb, Roma, and other ethnicities and include political opponents.” But the American media’s ludicrous bias and/or incompetence on that war continues. The New York Times responded to Thaci’s indictment with a tweet declaring that “Serbia’s leader was indicted for war crimes.”


The Bloody Yellow House – The most notorious place in Albania


" Yellow House " is a house of Albanian family Katuci in Ripe, near town Burell, North Albania, where UN prosecutors searched in 2004 for evidence that organs were illegally harvested from Serbs and other non-Albanian people kidnapped from Kosovo in 1999. Victims were kidnapped by Kosovo Liberation Army ( UCK) and then from Kosovo…

Anonymous ID: 9409db Sept. 7, 2020, 4:21 p.m. No.10560179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0255 >>0349 >>0606 >>0712


> probably steal from their mines resources.

In the presser Grenell gave with Kaleigh and O'brien and Kushner, he made a point to mention Serbia's and Kosovo's mining


Natural resources through history

Natural resources in Kosovo were once the "backbone of industry". However, output is currently low due to insufficient investments in equipment. Among these natural resources that were previously important in the Kosovo economy were minerals and metals such as: lignite, aluminum, chrome, magnesium, nickel, lead, zinc, and several different construction materials.[9] Kosovo was historically a mining district for the former Yugoslavia. The industrial complex Trepça in Mitrovica "was the largest mining operation in the former Yugoslavia".[1][4] During the time of Yugoslavia, Kosovo possessed 50% of all of Yugoslavia's nickel reserves, 36% of lignite, 48% of lead and zinc reserves, 47% of the magnesium reserves, and 32.4% of kaolinite reserves.[10] During this time, mining was Kosovo's growth engine; however, the sector faced a decline from the 1990s.[4] Even prior to Yugoslavia, the region's natural resources were explored and extracted. During the reign of King Milutin (mid 14th century) the mine in Novo Brdo was considered the richest mine with silver in the Balkans, while the other two mines in Kosovo after Artana were Trepça and Janjevo.[10] During the mid 14th and 15th century, Artana was the heart of the local economy, it was known as the city of silver and gold. Due its enormous importance, it was also highly protected and was the last city to fall in the hands of the Ottomans during the invasion in the 15th century.[10] Data from 1931 to 1998 show that total production by the industrial complex Trepça during this time was:


Lead: 2,066,000 tons

Zinc: 1,371,000 tons

Silver: 2,569 tons

Bismuth: 4,115 tons

Cadmium (1968–1987) 1,655 tons.[11]

From 1922 up to 2004, cumulative exploitation of lignite reserves amounted to 265Mt.[7] However, from September 2005 to the latest data in 2007, Trepça only produced lead, zinc and copper at an average of 5,000 tons per month. Some published research claims that Trepça still has potential for production of 999,000 tons of lead, 670,000 tons of zinc, and 2,200 tons of silver.[11] Although mining of Kosovo's most noted mineral resources such as lead, zinc and silver was an important part of its economy prior to 1999, active mining of lead, zinc and silver mines was halted at the start of the Kosovo conflict.[5] Although these mines present a good opportunity for investment, their privatization has been difficult due to ownership issues.[5]


Total natural resource rents in 2010, as calculated by the World Bank were 1.52% of GDP. Agriculture has also been an important sector of the economy in Kosovo due to its richness in agricultural land. It used to constitute 25% of the total output in Kosovo.[5] However, today, the use of agriculture land is fairly low in Kosovo. 53% of the total land in Kosovo is considered to be arable land.[5] The average farm is around 1.4 hectares.[5]

Anonymous ID: 9409db Sept. 7, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.10560366   🗄️.is 🔗kun


20 Years Ago: Bill Clinton Bombs Serbia, Killing Hundreds of Civilians

by Jim Bovard | Mar 25, 2019


Twenty years ago, President Clinton commenced bombing Serbia for no good reason. Up to 1500 Serb civilians were killed by NATO bombing in one of the biggest BS morality plays of the modern era. Clinton sold the bombing as a humanitarian mission, but the resulting carnage resulted in the takeover of Kosovo by a vicious clique that was later condemned for murdering Serbs and selling their kidneys, livers, and other body parts.


But Clinton remains a hero in Kosovo; here is a statue of him erected in the capitol, Pristina. It would have been a more accurate representation if Clinton was shown standing on the corpses of the women, children, and others killed in the U.S. bombing campaign.


moar at link

Anonymous ID: 9409db Sept. 7, 2020, 5:02 p.m. No.10560430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0444 >>0606 >>0712



A Clinton war crime, 20 years later

by Tiana Lowe, Commentary Writer | | June 11, 2019 02:26 PM


Twenty years ago today, ash settled over Serbia, then a republic of Yugoslavia, in the wake of more than two months of continued bombings by NATO. The campaign had been initiated by President Bill Clinton. NATO acted without the authorization of the United Nations. Its states justified what they called "Operation Noble Anvil" as a humanitarian operation to respond to the Kosovo War.


Of all the atrocities levied by the Clintons, perhaps none is more unjustified, brutal, and lasting as his Serbian legacy.


The Kosovo War featured two sparring, violent sides with legitimate claims on the land in question. Kosovo had been a historical homeland of the Serbs, one from which Ottoman colonists had sought to purge them. Neighboring Albanians, aligned with the Ottomans, soon migrated to Kosovo, where a Serbian population ebbed but persisted nonetheless. Once Serbia had liberated itself from Ottoman conquest and then Habsburg rule, the newly independent principality of Serbia pushed many Albanians out of Kosovo toward the end of the 19th century. Kosovo remained a part of the Kingdom of Serbia, then communist Yugoslavia, all the way up until the Kosovo War.


Both sides committed ample atrocities, as they had through history. The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts found that Serbs in Kosovo in the 1980s were subjected to the worst "physical, political, legal and cultural genocide" since the Nazis and Axis powers invaded the region in 1941. Ethnic tensions escalated over the next decade, coming to a head with the emergence of the ethno-nationalist Kosovo Liberation Army. The State Department deemed it a terrorist organization in 1998. That year, the KLA began to attack Serbian forces and the war broke out in full. The Yugoslavian crackdown on Albanians matched and at times exceeded the KLA's brutality. Clinton decided to align with the KLA. One year later, he bombed the Serbs.


Clinton's defense secretary hypothesized on national television that Serbs had "murdered" 100,000 Albanians. In reality, that number was likely between 4,000 and 5,000 over the course of a year-and-a-half-long war, and certainly not more than 11,000 — nowhere near the 100,000 figure used to gin up support for a war in which Clinton authorized bombings that killed hundreds of Serb civilians.



Anonymous ID: 9409db Sept. 7, 2020, 5:04 p.m. No.10560444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0461 >>0606 >>0712


>A Clinton war crime, 20 years later



As a purely legal affair, the NATO bombing was an embarrassment. Amnesty International considers it a war crime. The U.N. Security Council did not vote to permit it as required under its charter for invasions of sovereign nations. As a "humanitarian" affair, the Kosovo War was a catastrophe. NATO intentionally bombed the headquarters of Radio Television Serbia — a literal, physical attack on civilian journalists sanctioned by the United States. We bombed Belgrade's Chinese embassy, killing three journalists and Chinese nationals in the process. More than two months after the bombings began, Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic accepted NATO's terms of surrender. By end of the bombings, NATO had killed some 500 Yugoslav civilians.


In the decade following the end of the Kosovo War, NATO and the U.N. kept a presence in Kosovo, transitioning to eventual independence, which it maintains to this day.


All's well that ends well, right? Sure, Clinton's campaign was a grave abuse of imperial power — intervention in a sovereign nation not for any diplomatic or strategic purposes, but simply to show we could do it. But perhaps all of it was worthwhile if it ended ethnic tensions, even if it did so based on a lie that the violence was coming solely from one side.


In the aftermath of the "liberation," Kosovo expelled hundreds of thousands of Serbs and Kosovar minorities and murdered hundreds. In one particularly brutal case, an anti-Serb pogrom in 2004 displaced thousands, burned hundreds of homes and Orthodox churches, and killed dozens.


Just don't call it ethnic cleansing.


Today, Kosovo has Europe's youngest population and its highest unemployment rate. Three out of five Kosovars are unemployed, its people remain ethnically stratified and its minorities terrorized. Kosovo's currently waging a trade war on Serbia, instituting a 100% tariff on all Serbian imports.


For its part, Serbia has recovered somewhat. Yugoslav officials arrested Milosevic for corruption shortly after the war. The government, economy, and culture have all strengthened, but there's one interesting side effect of NATO intervention.


Although Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union were both communist powers, rulers Josip Tito of the former and Josef Stalin of the latter notoriously despised each other. Soviet forces at one point threatened outright war against the Balkan nation. Yet when the world coalesced to destroy Serbia's capital, Serbia found a friend in the newly established Russian Federation. To this day, Russia remains the sole vote on the U.N. Security Council standing against the interests of the Kosovo government.


I visited Belgrade and its many ruins last year and was surprised to find that Vladimir Putin was a bit of folk hero there. He appears on tourist shirts in the bustling Kalemegdan Park and the Serbs who I spoke with were quite vocal in their support for him. When I asked about the Clintons, they made sure to express their ire with just one stipulation: our old president, they emphasize, was a monster. But they may just find themselves falling for President Trump.


Anonymous ID: 9409db Sept. 7, 2020, 5:07 p.m. No.10560461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0606 >>0712



>In the aftermath of the "liberation," Kosovo expelled hundreds of thousands of Serbs and Kosovar minorities and murdered hundreds. In one particularly brutal case, an anti-Serb pogrom in 2004 displaced thousands, burned hundreds of homes and Orthodox churches, and killed dozens.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Clintons' orphans and organ donors….before Haiti