I guess the shills don't post pictures of hot guys because they hate homosexuals even more than they love sin. So they just push all the naked girl pics to fill the board with sinful, lustful thoughts. After all, if shills posted more sinful pictures of hot dudes, some deluded liberal gays might come here to enjoy themselves and be inadvertently converted to the truth.
The homosexual is more easily corrupted. Not because he is by his nature born more corrupt — we are all destined for corruption when we enter satan's kingdom of flesh — but because the homosexual's predicament presents a more challenging test. His in-dwelling sin is presented as love. And still it is not love itself that is sin — love will always remain divine — but the capitulation to the flesh. Presented with not even the narrow path to indulge the flesh, which narrow path is gifted to the heterosexual man (and from which, like Abraham, all heterosexual men stray too), the homosexual man can't imagine a loving God would make him need love and yet be so denied. And so the homosexual man quite "naturally" relents to his carnal desire, deceived into rejecting God's light. Especially today when there are no edicts, although I speculate very few age-old edicts really explained to the homosexual man what his purpose was. Because rather than being "born this way" proving God's lack of love, it's actually a test presented to God's most beloved In short, the homosexual feels the predicament of man is felt most acutely (thanks Adam!). It takes a Great Awakening indeed for any man to learn, especially today, that the supernatural mysteries of God present us with such questions of a purpose that lies beyond this mortal realm. That we are all here to be tested by fire. And that the sharpest sword is forged in the hottest furnace. Most will fail. Those that succeed might be chosen indeed.
Spoken like a true satanist.