BEHOLD a Night Shift Rider on a Pale Horse……
and he that sat upon him was Digger-Anon , and unto him was given Power To Destroy Corporate / Globalist media narratives …
In Real Time !
BEHOLD a Night Shift Rider on a Pale Horse……
and he that sat upon him was Digger-Anon , and unto him was given Power To Destroy Corporate / Globalist media narratives …
In Real Time !
Let him who hath understanding recon the number of The Beast
Its number is - The Lodge the first 3 degrees ,to " master mason '' in 6 acts each or , 666
September 7 -9 " Feast of the beast "
satanic calender
When Rush Limbaugh fill in host Ken Matthews is posting [ Event 201 ] stuff on his fakebook / parlor pages , the gatekeepers have a problem.
Ah , but anon , " For it is a HUMAN number "
suggests a ' humanist ' type false religion, like that of Freemasonry, Mormonism, satanism, Roscrucions and a hundred mystery schools , all with the same core tenet.
" Man shall become ' god ' "
A ) Never saw Obammy bring home remains from Korea.
B ) Bolton hates Trump , but was there and said story is bullshit
C ) Its the atlantic – a CFR publication
one Weiner Laptop to convict them all
and with Military Tribunal , inside GITMO bind them
what signifigant events happened on the other 2 dates ?
CON-gress returns tomorrow, to continue the fake left / right uniparty games.
It is time to drop the WEINER and AWAN laptops on every member of congress to remove all '' plauseable deniability "
Africa was ' cleansed ' for the last 40 years , paving China , and the CIA's way to take it over
REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN , how to control mass populations with " simulated " threats
( these threats of course justify massive spending that would otherwise lift the standard of living for ALL PEOPLES, and that anons is what cabal cannot allow.