TY, Dubbs
He was in court today. I posted the pasta earlier today. Not one reply and notable imo.
Lots if interest, a dig might be in order.
growls with an interesting accent
solo acoustic
You already got it. He grabbed my phone and sent out a tweet earlier. Pirated me he did.
What a beautiful black sky.
Post goes right over Mr 27 post already's head.
I pissed next to Clark as a kid in the men's room at a golf tournament. We talked while we pissed.
They were. And the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders were there to. Painful for a young man of that age. George can throw a gold tournament.
He was in the pisser. Can vouch for that. No recollection of what we talked about, but I got over star struck before it hit. We were both cool.
It just arrived. I can feel it.