>Fast forward to @1:49
Prepare to fast forward!
Preparing to fast forward
Fast Forward!
Fast forwarding, sir
>Fast forward to @1:49
Prepare to fast forward!
Preparing to fast forward
Fast Forward!
Fast forwarding, sir
>And it actually takes rocket science to understand the phenomenon.
No it doesn't.
BTW, scriptures?
Every time someone "discovers" something, do people gotta jump to scriptures to try to "explain" "revelations" of olden times?
C'mon, anon
>Pro-Trump aisle art in Hobby Lobby causes woke left-wingers to come unglued
My hobbies include triggering leftists
>I can't imagine America without this song.
I feel the exact same way about the Spice 1 song from the Tales From the Hood soundtrack…
God Bless America!