is my bro spillin his nuts now,
was tough I don't know before
but realized gettin coke spike
& crying,
pipe it you fool,
juice on your face,
is my bro spillin his nuts now,
was tough I don't know before
but realized gettin coke spike
& crying,
pipe it you fool,
juice on your face,
devil's square, residence of th eye,
yes sir we found th seal they must leave by
no weapons but we are ready for anything,
all ships & jets are a go,
you guys be ready for hell, you don't know th tech of defenses, Valium each one so they can't fight,
possibly use gas weapons for volatility of th rads from th volcano, it is still live,
good, you read their defenses, perfect,
good, you drowned their defenses, excellent,
p is on th direct opposite pole,
p has th men, th eye has th women,
possible water jets like at vegas for defense, stream flying up,
my bro w a massive swelling in his neck,
very tight, can't move his head, th swelling is cutting off oxygen to his brain, brain damage
reason he's so wild, brain damage, plus mom
spiking his food, w med attention he'll be ok, th body has amazing regenerative if supported,